1 | Critères d'évaluation |
Au lieu de ... -Incomplete or non-compliant administrative file; (subject to the dispositions of point 1.1 of Circular no002 BIS/CAB/PM of 31st January 2011 relating to the amelioration of the Public Contracts System) -False declaration or forged document, (the Tender Board or Contracting Authority reserves the right to verify the authenticity of any documents in doubts) -False declaration or forged document -Absence in the technical proposal of a column indicating the organization, planning and understanding of the project - Failure to score at least 90% of the total essential criteria -Incomplete financial tender -Omission of a quantified unit price from the price schedule |
Lire plutot - Incomplete or non-compliant administrative file; (subject to the dispositions of point 1.1 of Circular no002 BIS/CAB/PM of 31st January 2011 relating to the amelioration of the Public Contracts System) - False declaration or forged document, (the Tender Board or Contracting Authority reserves the right to verify the authenticity of any documents in doubts) -False declaration or forged document -Absence in the technical proposal of a column indicating the organization, planning and understanding of the project -Failure to score at least 90% of the total essential criteria -Incomplete financial tender - Omission of a quantified unit price from the price schedule - Absence of an attestation of financial capacity of an amount at least equal to one third of the estimated budget of the project.