the Mayor of Makary Council. Contracting Authority, hcrcby issuesan opened national invitation to tender for the exécution in urgency procédure of the
construclion works of one stock store in MAKARY in Makary Council, Logone and Chari Division.
Silc installation;
Lan li- work;
Oigging the foLindation;
Building walls;
Meiallic carpcntry;
Main works;
Linishing works;
estimated cost of Twenty millions (20 000 000) CFA
Participation in this tender shall be open equal conditions to Cameroon-law contractors with proven
experience m the field of building construction and civil engineering in général. Tenders must be known
by the lavv .md must have regularly paid his due.
Works under this tender shall be flnanced by the MINADER Public Investment Budget for the 2018
Financial year, Charge: 52 30 393 03 641344 28 11 921 for an estimated cost of Twenty millions
(20 000 000) CFA FIAT.
The tender documents may be consulted during working hours at the secrétariat
The tender documents maybe obtained at the secrétariat of the Makary Council, after the présentation of
a receipt of payment into municipal treasury of a non-refundable fee of fifteen thousands (15 000)
Drafted U! Bngiish or French and in seven (7) copies Including one (1) originaJ and six (6) copies
labelcd as such, tenders shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and against a receipt at the Makary
Councii i;iter than 23"'/04/2018 at 9 p.m. local time. They shall bear the following:
N° 02/AONO/MAKARY-C/ITB/TBEC/2018 of 3'" /04/2018
foi- the éxecution in urgency procédure for the construction works one stock store in
MAKARY in Makary Councii, Logone and Chari Division.
FINANCING: PIB-MINADER for 2018 Financial Year
To be opened only at the tender-evaluation session."
Tenders roccived after the submission deadiine shall be rejected.
The inaxiiniiin titnelVame for the exécution of work scheduled by the contracting authority is three (03)
calendar months, including the rainy season and other vagaries, with effect from the date of notification
ofthe notice to proceed.
Tendci s shall includc a provisional guarantee (bid bond) issued, in keeping with the mode! indicated |
in the tender file by a first class banking institution approved by the ministry in charge of finance. The
amount shnti stand at four hundred thousand (400 0000) CFA F.
Tendci s shall includc a provisional guarantee (bid bond) issued, in keeping with the mode! indicated |
in the tender file by a first class banking institution approved by the ministry in charge of finance. The
amount shnti stand at four hundred thousand (400 0000) CFA F.
The provisional guarantees of unsuccessfui tenderers shall be released automatically thirty (30) days
after the ( sinration of lender and that of the successful tenderer after the définitive constitution of the >
'• guarnntei. ^
Lest they he rejected, shall be submitted only the originals or true copies of the relevant administrative
documents, certified by the issuing service or an administrative authority, dating less than three (3)
monilis nid and vaiid during the opening session.
Tenders shnil be opening once on the 23 /04/2018 at 10 am, by the Makary Internai Tender's board at
Makary Councii Hall Only tend(>i ers niay attend the opening session or each has himself represented by one person of bis
choice [evuii in the case of joint-venture) with sound knowledge of their files.
Stage 1: Vérification of each tender's compliance of the administrative file.
• Stage 2: Teclinical évaluation of compilant administrative files
• Stage 3: Vérification of the financial offers of contractors with compilant administrative and
U;chnical files.
The évaluation criteria are as follows:
12-1} l'iiminatory criterion
12-1 . Administrative documents
a] Inconipletc or non-compliant documents,
h] I-Vri'.ed or noa-authentic documents
12-1.2 Teclinical proposai
a) liuaaaptete or non-compliant documents,
b) l'rilse déclaration, forged or scanned documents,
c) Tiirn-over in public and civil engineering works during the last three (03) years of less than
Lvvcniy million [20 000 000) CFA.F
d) l-nilure to show proof of the exécution, as the main contracter, during the last three (03) years of
the construction of at least one-storey building,
e) Non existence in the technical proposai of the rubric "organization, methodology and planning"
Q Failni e to meet at least thirty-two (32) out ofthe furty-five (45) essential criteria.
12-1.3 financial offer
a) lii' oinplete financial offer.
h) Non-compliant documents,
c) Onnssion of a qualified unit price in the financial offer,
d) Absence of a sub-detailed price,
12-2 Kssenlial criteria
The techi .i. ni proposai shall be evaluated as per the following forty-five (45) essentials criteria below:
a) i^rcsontation out of three (03) criteria
b) Supcrvisory staffoLitoffourteen (14) criteria
c) Site equipment to be mobilized out of four (04) criteria
d) Methodology out of thirteen (13) criteria
e) (icnuractor's references and pre-financingcapacityoutoftwelve (12) criteria
The Mayor of Makary Council who is the project owner, shall award the contract to the tenderer
with the lowest and technically compliant bid deemed to be essentially in keeping with the tender
Tenderers shall be bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days with effect from the
tender-submission deadline.
Additional technical information may be obtained every day during working hours at the Makary
Council in Makary.