Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 02-04-2020 à 09:47
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Decision No.                         /AIVDP/PC/03/2020 To Award the Contract for the Construction of Phase 2 of the Head Office of the Agricultural Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project. THE PROJECT COORDINATOR, n  Mindful of Decision No. 0972/MINADER/SG/DEPC/CPIE of 16th Sept. 2016 bearing on the creation of the Agricultural Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project(AIVDP) of the South West Region; Mindful of Decision No. 00939/MINADER/SG/DEPC/CPP/CEA4 of 13`11 July 2017 appointing certain members of the AIVDP Management Team; n  Mindful of Letter Ref. CPD-SSA/CD4/10/1450 of 17th July 2017 officially notifying the Government of Cameroon of the approval of the AIVDP by the 319th Board of Executive Directors of IDB on the rd of July 2017; Mindful of the approved Appraisal Document of AIVDP; n  Mindful of the Decree No 2018/366 of 20 June 2018 bearing on the Public Contracts Code; n  Mindful of Arrete        0277/A/MINMAP of 18th Oct. 2017 bearing on the creation of a Special Tenders Board for the AIVDP; n  Mindful of Decision                     003/AIVDP/PC/07/2019 Supplemented by Decision No 004/A1VDP/PC/07/2019 on the Composition of the AIVDP Special Tenders Board; n  Mindful of Tender N°. 001/20/ONIT/AIVDP/GoC of 30/01/2020 for the Construction of Phase 2 of the Head Office of AIVDP; Mindful of .the Minutes of the AIVDP Special Tenders Board Meeting in the Contract Award Session of 04/03/2020;   DECIDES: Article I: The Contract related to the above Tender is awarded as follows:
Source de financement

Article I: The Contract related to the above Tender is awarded as follows:

Subject of Contract


Contract Price in F CFA Tax Exclusive

Duration of Contract

Construction of Phase 2 of the Head Office of AIVDP

George      &       Jerry

Company LTD

124 964 894

6 Months


Article 2: The contract shah become effective when notified to the Contractor and shah be registered and distributed as per the regulations in force.

BUEA Le 27-03-2020