The Co-contractor must:
Monitor and control the work:
- Use graphic documents (execution plans) for subsequent evaluations of the work;
- Monitor the installation of the site in accordance with the plan proposed by the winning company;
- Check technical documents, in particular site logs and minutes of site meetings;
- Check the conformity of the execution of the works according to the contractual technical requirements;
- Produce monthly reports detailing the quantitative and qualitative execution of the work;
- Produce a final report detailing the quantitative and qualitative execution of the work
Propose for signature by the Head of the Market Department the service orders necessary for the proper execution of the work;
Ensure quality assurance and the application of environmental protection measures;
Ensure the establishment of reassembly plans.
The holder's services are defined in more detail in the terms of reference.
The forecast amount amounts to Four million (4,000,000) CFA Francs for Phase 1 (2024 Program) and Sixmillion (6,000,000) CFA Francs for Phase 2 (2025 Program)
The services, subject of this Call for Tenders, are financed by the Public Investment Budget of the Ministry of Public Works, Road Fund line Fiscal Year 2024 & 2025.
The consultation file can be consulted during working hours, at the procurement department of the Municipality of Bassamba upon publication of this notice
The Tender Document (DAO) can be obtained from the procurement department of the Municipality of Bassamba, Telephone 677695664, upon publication of this Tender Notice, upon presentation of a receipt of payment to Bassamba municipal revenue of a non-refundable amount of Twenty-five thousand (25,000) CFA Francs
This receipt must identify the BET as the representative of the BET wishing to participate in the Call for Tenders.
Each offer, written in French or English and in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, must reach the General Secretariat of the Municipality of Bassamba in sealed envelopes no later than April 24, 2024 at 10 a.m., and filed against receipt. It must be marked:
No. 01 /AC/PR/MINMAP/SG/DRO/DD-MINMAP-NDE/DD-NDE/C-BASSAMBA/CIPM-BASSBA/2024 of April 8, 2024 for the technical control and monitoring of maintenance work on sections of roads in the commune of Bassamba, Department of Ndé under emergency procedure.
The duration of the services is four (04) months, mobilization depending on the actual duration of the work.
Tenders must be accompanied by a provisional guarantee (bid guarantee) established according to the model indicated in the Tender Document by a banking establishment approved by the Minister in charge of Finance. The amount of the deposit is set at two hundred thousand (200,000) CFA francs.
The absence of the provisional guarantee or its non-compliance with the model attached in the Tender Document results in the non-receivability of the offer when the bids are opened.
The provisional security will be automatically released no later than thirty (30) days after the expiry of the validity of the offers for unsuccessful bidders. In the event that the tenderer is awarded the contract, the provisional security will be released after the final security has been provided.
Bank checks, even certified ones, are not accepted in lieu of the provisional security.
Offers not respecting the method of separating the financial offer from the administrative and technical offers will be inadmissible.
• Any offer that does not comply with the requirements of this Notice and the Consultation File will be declared inadmissible. In particular the absence of the bid bond established according to the model proposed in the DAO and issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance, valid for thirty (30) days beyond the validity period of the offers.
• Under penalty of rejection, the required administrative documents must be produced in originals or copies certified by the issuing service, in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Regulations of the Call for Tenders.
• They must be dated less than three (03) months from the initial date of submission of offers.
• The opening of offers will be done in two stages. The opening of administrative and technical offers will take place on April 24, 2024 at 11 a.m. by the Internal Procurement Commission of the Municipality of Bassamba, sitting in the meeting room of the Municipality of Bassamba.
• Only bidders may attend this opening session or be represented by a single duly authorized person of their choice, with perfect knowledge of the file.
• At the end of the examination of the administrative documents and the evaluation of the technical offers, the opening of the financial offers will be carried out under the same conditions, at a later date which will be communicated to the bidders whose administrative file is compliant and having obtained a technical score equal to or greater than 80 points out of 100.
1: Elimination criteria:
a) Incomplete file or non-compliant documents, subject to the provisions of point I.1 of Circular No. 002/CAB/PM of January 31, 2011 relating to improving the performance of the public procurement system;
b) Falsified or non-authentic document (CIPMP - BASSAMBA and the Contracting Authority reserve the right to authenticate any document of a doubtful nature);
c) False declaration, falsified or scanned documents in place of certified or original copies;
d) Technical score less than 80/100;
e) Civil works engineer with seniority greater than or equal to five (05) years not registered with the National Order of Civil Engineers (ONIGC);
f) Absence of a methodological note for the execution of services;
g) Omission in the financial offer of a quantified unit price.
2 Essential criteria
1 Technical offers
Technical offers will be rated according to the following essential criteria:
a) Qualification of experts and their experience in the field of the project out of 50 points;
b) Technical and material resources to be put in place per lot applied for out of 15 points;
c) BET references on 15 points;
e) work plan and methodology proposed in the terms of reference 15 points;
d) Presentation of the offer on 5 points.
2 Financial offers
Only the financial offers of bidders whose technical offer has been declared admissible following the examination of the conformity of the administrative documents (1st stage) and the technical evaluation (2nd stage) will be evaluated and noted for each lot. applied, based on the following criteria:
NM= MMd x 100/MS
NM= Note relating to the amount of the tenderer's financial offer for the lot concerned
MMd= Evaluated amount of the lowest bid for the lot concerned;
MS = Evaluated amount of the bidder for the lot concerned.
A weighting will be made between the technical score and the financial score to obtain the final score N (technical-financial score) according to the formula below:
N = [(80 x Technical Score) + (20 x Financial Score)] / 100
For each lot, the Contracting Authority will award the Contract to the Bidder whose offer has been evaluated as the best, i.e. the one having obtained the highest overall score, and deemed substantially compliant with the Bid Document. Call for Tenders.
Bidders remain bound by their offers for ninety (90) days from the deadline set for submission of offers.
Additional technical information can be obtained from the procurement department of the Municipality of Bassamba). Any proven attempt at corruption or bad practices must be reported in writing and by telephone to the Minister Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic in charge of Public Procurement with copies to the President of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (CONAC) and the Departmental Delegate of Nde public markets at the following numbers: 233 48 91 04/674 68 25 52