Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 20-09-2018 à 14:54
Support : Plateforme :
Source de financement
1.Contexte New(Additif)

The National Community-Driven Development Program (PNDP) is a tool jointly put in place both by the Government and the technical
and financial partners with a view to improving on the living conditions of the populations in rural areas.
The development objective of the third phase of the Program is two-fold: 1) enhance the management of local public finances, on the one hand,
as well as the participatory development processes within councils, on the other hand; 2) ensure the supply of sustainable and quality socio-economic infrastructures and services.
Backed up by its partners, and more specifically by the French Development Agency (AFD), PNDP has, since the Second Phase of its program,
been implementing a project dubbed « National Support Project to councils and communities through community-based radio stations under the sponsorship
of the National Community-Driven Development Program and that of the rural sector support development programs ».
The said project has as main objective to provide support to the decentralization process. It therefore builds on the implementation of the Growth
and Employment Strategy Paper (GESP), notably on its point 5.1.4. relating to the « Improvement on the citizen’s access to business management
and information control », and more specifically on paragraph 376 that deals with the pertinence of community-based radio stations. In a nutshell,
it is stipulated in the said paragraph that « Cameroonian authorities are quite aware of the role played by proximity communication as far
as the citizen’s access to information is concerned. This is likely to enable the latter in his decision-making process geared towards scaling
up his incomes, stepping up the marketing of products and making pertinent choices in terms of employment, education and health, etc.
In this regard and on the basis of positive the impacts recorded so far, the promotion of such radio stations - that kick-started under
the first generation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) -, should be revamped mostly through the establishment of several
hundreds of community-based radio stations mainly earmarked for women and youths in rural areas».
With an overall amount worth CFA F 916 million (€ 1.3 million), the said project comprises two main components as follows:
• A support provided to the already operating eight (08) community-based radio stations in order to ensure their viability
and sustainability both at the service of local development and decentralization process;
• A technical and financial support provided with a view to establishing the twelve (12) new radio stations. Such support is
geared towards attempting to provide an answer to the quantitative issue that was underscored in the PRSP and later on in the GESP.
So far, the main activities referred to below have been carried out under the project:
• The design and manufacturing of the project’s communication supports/materials;
• The setting up and functioning of the project’s monitoring committee;
• The acquisition, installation and going into operation of the equipment dedicated to both categories of radio stations;
• The advocacy actions carried out in favour of the radio stations operating under the project;
• The training sessions aimed at building up the capacities of key actors/stakeholders involved in the running and management of the
community-based radio stations operating under the project.





2.Objet New(Additif)










Overall objectives

Provide support, facilitate social transformations as well as behavioural changes.

For the sake of a harmonious development, vectors such as communication and information flow should regulate all areas of social life. Be it for advocacy, information, sensitization and prevention purposes, communication strategies should be devised and spreaded in order to foster progress, knowledge and know-how, thereby enhancing responsible behaviours amongst citizens.

Contribute to social cohesion

Even if external factors also play a prominent part, it is widely admitted that the core behaviours are mainly forged within the community. Each community is therefore called upon to develop social ties that originate from specific parenthood, dialogue and meeting fora. There are also some linguistic similarities as well as cultural and religious representations within each community.

In this regard, the community-based approach, the active involvement of populations in the improvement of their living conditions be it at the political, economic and cultural levels, therefore constitute major assets as far as the fight against poverty and precariousness is concerned.

Such meeting fora are therefore geared towards promoting democracy at the local level through:

- The integration of the marginalized and underprivileged populations;
-The promotion of an increased involvement of the populations, of information sharing and innovation spirit;
- The organization of capacity-building sessions in order to drill the populations on the  know-how;
- The organization of sensitization campaigns geared towards integrating certain communities which are so far marginalized.

Strengthen the missions assigned to the community-based radio stations

  • Promote communication, more specifically at the grass-roots level, in order to ensure freedom of  expression, thereby contributing to enhance a fair and sustainable development;
  • Take into account the aspirations of the civil society, and more specifically those of the social groups excluded from the decision-making process on the grounds of their age, gender and economic conditions;
  • Promote the socio-cultural and linguistic inheritance, encourage self-reliance with regard to governments’ interests, trade-related interests, on the one hand,  and towards partisan politics or religious proselytism, on the other hand; take into account the interests of communities as a whole;
  •  Assist them to grow and become genuine civic organizations;
  • Provide the communities with quality programmes in terms of information, education and entertainment on condition that the targeted communities have opportunity to actively attend and evaluate them;
  • Propose platforms for civic engagement, in which issues raised  and prospects nurtured by citizens are likely to be heard and recognized;
  • Defend basic human rights and gender equality; fight against discrimination thereby promoting peace and mutual understanding.

Specific objectives

In addition to such overall objectives, it is worth noting that the project equally intends to more specifically contribute to:

  • Improve on the offer of such radio stations in terms of quality and quantity;
  • Facilitate the smooth conduct of support programmes earmarked for the rural sector,  thereby providing technical information and invaluable advice to producers;
  • Provide support to the implementation of the GESP at the local level;
  • Contribute to the popularization of the New Information and Communication Technologies in rural areas;
  • Support and popularize the decentralization policy in rural areas;
  • Contribute to lower the digital gap;
  • Contribute to slow down the rural exodus.

Quantitative objectives to be attained

It is worth noting that eight (08) community-based radio stations have been the subject of a rehabilitation, whereas twelve (12) new ones have gone operational; which sets the target value to 20.

With a view to better assessing the impact of such an operation, three factors should be taken into consideration. Firstly, it should be noted that the opening up of the Cameroonian medias landscape is of recent. More precisely, it is in 1990 that a law opening up the medias to a greater diversity of expression was promulgated; nevertheless, it was only with the issuance, in 2000, of the Decree N0. 2 that such new policy was implemented in the audio-visual area, thereby setting the broadcasting radius to 100km at the national level and to less than 100 Km at the local level. In this regard, it should be noted that the establishment of community-based radio stations is of recent. To date, there are almost thirty operational radio stations to which can be added some twenty new ones which are sponsored by councils. The majority of such radio stations are currently in a critical dormant phase.  The present operation is therefore geared towards rehabilitating and revamping them. The distribution, per fund donor, of such community-based radio stations is as follow:

Co-operation agency




Centre (6)

Mbalmayo I Esse I Sa'a
Nanga Eboko I Yaounde



West (3)

Foumban I Baham



South-West (2)




North-West (2)




East (1)




South (3)

Ebolowa I Meyomesala



Littoral (1)




Adamawa (1)




North (1)




Far-North (3)




It should be noted in passing that UNESCO has established two multi-media centres that operate in connection with two (02) community-based radio stations respectively based in Garoua and Meiganga.  Certain   border areas, do not benefit from any radio coverage. Secondly, the impact due to the establishment of such new radio stations, should be genuinely assessed when taking into consideration the number of the populations to be targeted as well as the nature of radio programmes to be broadcast. Lastly, by laying more emphasis on councils,   the support operation to the community-based radio stations is likely to sustainably tackle issue related to such tools. It has been noticed that when directly managed by communities without enjoying any support from the council, such radio stations were, for most of them, condemned to an inexorable disappearance. By focusing once again its action on the council, such community-based radio stations have, as main objective, to boost the local economy, thereby enabling to sustainably tackle the issue related to their status in connection with their close relationship with the council.

The results expected from the project

The following results expected from the project are geared towards:

  • Scaling up development initiatives at the local level;
  • Promoting transparency in the management of councils-related operations. Such an indicator should be measured through the broadcasting and execution of the council’s budget through the community-based radio;
  • Promoting and adopting responsible behaviours that are likely to fight against the spread of certain diseases such as AIDS;
  • Fostering the ownership, by beneficiaries, of community-based radio stations ; an indicator likely to be measured through a greater involvement of the populations in the radio programmes;
  • Encouraging the protection of local cultural values through the preservation of local languages as well as any other cultural inheritance;
  • Promoting the mastery of electoral procedures and regulations;
  • Urging the populations in rural areas to actively take part in citizen-related activities at the local level; an indicator which can be measured through an increase number of candidates to duty and leadership positions at the local level;
  • Encouraging the councils and populations to better protect the  environment and respect the related regulations;
  • Improving on the mobilization and safeguard of tax revenues.
  • Scaling up the councils’ development initiatives;
  • Adopting best practices for a sustainable management of the territory.
  1. The assessment

a) Assessment justification

This final evaluation of the project takes place under the 2nd phase of the Programme, more specifically against the backdrop of the programme closure; it had as main objective to carry out an evaluative analysis of the said project based on common evaluative criteria such as pertinence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and noticeable impacts, on the one hand, and on a comparative analysis of similar projects carried out in other countries, on the other hand. Such an analysis is especially expected to identify the difficulties encountered, the lessons learned as well as to draw up a certain number of recommendations aimed at fine-tuning public policies implementation in the said area. 

b)       Objectives of the evaluation

This activity has as objective to entrust the responsibility of conducting an evaluation study of the community-based radio project sponsored the Programme (PNDP), to an Individual Consultant or to a two-person team of consultants. The aim here shall consist of providing the national co-ordination of the Programme (in its capacity as the Project Owner), the financial partner (FDA), the steering organs as well as the beneficiaries, with an unbiased and independent approach with regard to the Project implementation and the results acquired so far (achievements, weaknesses or constraints and impacts), in order to be able to formulate pertinent recommendations and suggestions in the future, based on the lessons learned.

To this end, the consultant will be expected to propose an evaluative methodology based on the commonly accepted criteria with a view to:

  1. Specifying the pertinence of the project’s objectives and approach in the light of the results expected in compliance with the project’s documents;
  2. Appraising the interventions coherence as well as the operation approach at the internal level (procedures, modus operandi, etc.) and at the external level (along with partner actors/structures/other TFPs);
  3. Measuring the effectiveness of the operation-related actions, thereby specifying the level of achievement of results in comparison with the planned objectives;
  4.  Measuring the level of efficiency and effectiveness of such an operation as well as its probability to result in a sustainable impact;
  5. Studying the co-ordination and synergies-related challenges in connection with other radios-related projects;
  6. Sampling the beneficiaries’ feedback as concerns the outputs and impacts of such an operation;
  7.  Drawing pertinent lessons, thereby making pertinent recommendations with regard to other and similar initiatives;
  8. Gathering summary communication elements/facts.

A comparison with community-based radio projects and approaches developed in other countries will constitute a major asset.

Furthermore, the evaluative issues in connection with the methodology to be proposed should equally take into account the following specific aspects:

(i) With regard to the overall implementation of the project’s activities:

- Assess the technical and financial execution rate of the project;
- Assess the implementation of the project’s activities in compliance with its steering tools such as financing agreement/convention, Technical and Budgeted Programmes validated on a yearly basis, logical framework, feasibility studies as well as streamlined manuals of procedures;
-Assess the pertinence level of activities carried out under the project in comparison with the beneficiaries’ objectives and needs;
- Assess the execution deadlines in compliance with the project execution.

(ii) With regard to the project compliance with the regulations in force:

-Assess the implication of the main administrations operating within the sector in compliance with the project’s implementation at the national, regional and/or divisional level;
- Assess the efficiency of the Project’s Monitoring Committee;
- Evaluate the activities aimed at complying the administrative file with the technical file of each radio involved in the project (feasibility study).

(iii) With regard to the radio stations-related equipment:

- Evaluate the conformity of the contractual clauses related to the purchase, installation and going into operation contracts with the radio stations equipment to be rehabilitated;
- Evaluate the contractual clauses of the purchase, installation and going into operation contract in conformity with the equipment of the radio stations to be established;
- Evaluate the quality of the equipment furnished, as well as the related  maintenance mechanism set up in each radio station;
- Evaluate the level of protection and satisfaction of the equipment installed by the radio staffs and management committee.

(iv)  With regard to the territorial coverage of such radios:

- Evaluate the average number of listeners of each radio operating under the project;
- Evaluate the radio-waves propagation radius of the twelve (12) newly-created radio stations;
- Evaluate the best listening opportunities provided to listeners located at the four (04) cardinal corners of each site, thereby laying a special emphasis on the twelve (12) newly-created radio stations.

(v) With regard to the contents of such radio stations:

- Assess the compliance of the editorial policy enforced in each radio station operating under the project ;
- Assess the programmes schedules as well as the programmes grids and guides (broadcast on radio) of each of the radio stations operating under the project;
- Evaluate the education, information and entertainment-related values of the main programmes laid down in each grid, as well as the forms related to their preparation by the various animators and technicians;
- Assess the validation exercises to be performed by the populations with regard to the contents proposed by such radio stations.

(vi) With regard to the capacity-building of the radio staffs:

- Evaluate the capacity-building sessions organized in favour of the radio staffs, management committees and councils in which the twenty (20) newly-created radio stations operating under the Project will be located; also assess the performance  level  resulting from the project’s implementation;
- Evaluate the human resources-related mechanisms as well as their sustainability;
- Evaluate the level of satisfaction resulting from the communication units operating under the rural C2D’s sponsored projects and programmes that have been designed within the project’s framework.

(vii) With regard to actions advocated for the status to be provided to such community-based radio stations:

- Assess the advocacy actions and activities carried out with a view to sharing  the telecommunications operators’ infrastructures with the radio stations to be established;
-  Assess the advocacy actions and activities carried out with a view to designing the status of the community-based radio stations operating in Cameroon;
- Assess the co-ordination existing between other actors/stakeholders involved in the operationalization of community-based radio stations in Cameroon.

(viii) With regard to the appropriation of such radio stations by the beneficiaries:

- Assess the implication level of the said communities in the running of such radio stations based on indicators such as: inter-activity, attendance to meetings, participation in meetings of the general assembly, financing of radio station, etc.
- Assess the level of implication of the council in the animation and functioning of such radio stations;
- Assess the level of satisfaction of a representative sample of beneficiaries (councils, populations)

(ix) With regard to the financing of the radio stations operating under the project:

- Assess the number of listeners who call the radio station during inter-active programmes and make projections for the eventual negotiations rebates towards phone operators;
- Assess the various supports provided by councils for the smooth running of the radio station, such as: the annual allowance allocated in line with  the Municipal Council’s resolution issued in 2013 (at the time when the council submitted its application file as a result of the publication of the Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) launched by the Programme (PNDP), on the one hand, along with the financing agreement/convention, the personnel transferred and buildings, etc., on the other hand;
- Assess the multi-purpose contribution of the populations as concerns the running of such community-based radio stations;
- Assess other sources of funding allocated to the radio.

(x) With regard to the management of the radio stations operating under the project:

- Assess the compliance of the streamlined manual of procedures with each of the radio stations;
- Assess the existence and level of autonomous functioning of the various management organs of a given community-based radio station, namely the general assembly, the management committee and radio staff;
-  Assess the number of minutes or reports made in line with the deliberations  of the various decision-making organs;
-  Assess the quality of documents drafted by the management committee in order to be submitted to the general assembly.

(xi) With regard to the communication actions aimed at showcasing the project:

-  Assess the spontaneous and prompted awareness with regard to the radio stations operating under the project;
-  Assess the communication actions carried out around the project;
- Assess the supports designed and broadcast in order to showcase the project and its fund donor.

c)      Results expected from the evaluation

The consultant is expected to come up with results in connection with the drafting of an evaluation report. The said report should comprise the recommendations made as well as the lessons learned from the said operation. Such an approach is likely to fuel the strategy drawn up in the area of community-based radio stations in Cameroon.

Without being exhaustive, the Project evaluation is likely to result in:

- The elaboration of a database required for the appraisal of an effective and efficient management of the Project, of the level of achievement of the outcomes as compared with the objectives laid down in the project’s logical framework;

- Highlight the beneficiaries’ feedback with regard to the results obtained, the required priority intervention needs, the entire and eventual institutional and operational constraints which are likely to hamper, and even significantly slow down the smooth execution  of the Project as well as the attainment of its objectives;

  • Facilitate the lessons learned from the implementation of the Project at the technical and financial level on the one hand, and propose some basic elements required for the sustainability of the said Project as well as the potential intervention guidelines under the national policy framework or support to other Technical and Financial Partners, on the other hand.
3.Remises des offres New(Additif)

A consultant shall be selected based on the Individual Selection method and in compliance with the procedures in force as provided for in the Convention signed between the FDA and the Manual of Administrative and Financial Procedures governing the Programme (PNDP).

 The Expressions of Interest in writing (one original and six copies) must be submitted to the address mentioned below, latest October 12, 2018 at 05:00 P.M. prompt (local time) and must bear the following mention « Request for Expression of Interest for the selection of an Individual Consultant charged with evaluating the community-based radios project sponsored by the National Community-Driven Development Programme (PNDP) ».

4.Composition du dossier New(Additif)

*. The Consultant’s profile
The Individual Consultant should demonstrate that:
• S/he has undergone initial training courses in the area of social sciences/development/journalism and/or communication (with at least a GCE Advanced Level + 4);
• S/he has an experience of at least five (05) years in terms of project’s development and evaluation;
• S/he has a proven professional experience (of at least 3 years) in areas such as communication-related activities/development-related medias, especially as concerns radio broadcasting;
• An experience gathered from the management of community-based projects should constitute an additional asset;
• S/he has a sound knowledge of the English and French languages;
• S/he has a proven experience with regard to the analysis of the effects and impacts resulting from the development actions carried out at the local level;
• S/he has a sound knowledge of the evaluation methods in connection with projects sponsored by international funds donors;
• A qualification in terms of knowledge and maintenance of radio stations-related equipment;
• In the event the consultant does not have any proven experience in terms of the evaluation of development projects or of the maintenance of radio stations-related equipment, s/he could be allowed, in his/her note relating to the understanding of the mission entrusted to him/her, clearly state that s/he will be assisted by an expert from the competent field. In this regard, the related CV will be submitted for consideration.

*. Recruitment modalities
The following documents should be submitted in order that the application file be deemed complete for opening and examination purposes:
• A covering letter;
• A detailed curriculum vitae laying emphasis on the qualifications and experience required;
• A certified true copy of the degree required or of an attestation of such degree;
• The relevant reference documents in connection with similar missions carried out (Minutes of acceptance, contracts, and certificates attesting to a successful execution of works, etc.);
• A note allocated in connection with the understanding of the mission entrusted to a given consultant.
The Programme (PNDP) shall reserve the right to check the authenticity of the information thus communicated.

5.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

The evaluation criteria shall be as follows:

  • Main qualifications: 15 points;
  • Understanding of the entrusted mission: 20 points
  • Professional experience: 55 points and;
  • Other skills: 10 points.

N.B.: The minimum note required shall be seventy (70) points over one hundred (100).
The National Co-ordinator of the National Community-Driven Development Programme (PNDP) therefore invites all eligible national/international consultants to express their interest in connection with the supply of the above-mentioned services. The interested Consultants must provide information likely to demonstrate their ability to perform such services (evaluation in connection with the execution of similar contracts/agreements, experience gathered under similar conditions, etc.); they must equally demonstrate that they have already performed similar services with success, (services provided under good conditions).

6.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Interested Consultants may obtain additional information on the purpose of this expression of interest at the following address:
National Co-ordination Unit of the Programme (PNDP), located at the place referred to as « pont-dragages », just after the residence of the Ambassador of Côte d’Ivoire, near the offices of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization/UNESCO and of the United Nations Development Programme /UNDP.
P.O. Box: 660 Yaounde – Cameroon
Phone N0. +237 222 21 36 64
Fax: + 237 222 21 36 63
Email :

YAOUNDE Le 11-09-2018