Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 28-09-2018 à 10:45
Support : Plateforme :
Call for Expression of Interest N0. 012 for the selection of Consultants (Non-Governmental Organization, Association, Common Initiative Group) geared towards updating communal development plans based on a light planning approach Date: September 26, 2018Expression of Interest Fundings: IDA/C2D III.
Source de financement
1.Contexte New(Additif)

Designed in three phases of four years each, PNDP was set up, since 2004, by the Government, thanks to the support of development partners. It is one of the implementation tools for the Growth and Employment Strategy Paper (GESP).

The first two phases of the Programme have been implemented thanks to fundings emanating from an internal source (HIPCs, PIB) as well as those from the World Bank and the French Development Agency (FDA) within the bilateral debt relief framework with France and that of a grant from the KfW. To such fundings, one can equally mention those provided by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Japanese Co-operation as concerns phase 1 only. The said Programme has so far covered six Regions, namely: Adamawa, Centre, North, West, South and Far-North during its first phase, that is, from 2004 to 2009 and was extended to the 10 Regions of the country as a whole since the kick-off of the second phase.

These two first phases have been smoothly executed to the satisfaction of the beneficiary populations, donors as well as the Government. Amongst the results so far secured by the Programme, one can cite the elaboration of the Communal Development Plan (CDP). The latter which is referred to as a local planning tool earmarked for the provision of assistance in connection with the transfers of skills to Councils, has been recognized and implemented at the national level since 2012, notably as far as the preparation of the Public Investment Budget was concerned. As a result, 328 CDPs have already been drawn up and approved at the local level by the Supervisory Authority

Out of the 328 CDPs which are currently available, 178 were drawn up at the start of the second phase, notably in 2010. As a result, they do not comprise certain information which were found in the CDPs drawn up in 2012, 2013 and 2014. One may enumerate, inter alia, indicators such as the integration of climate changes, the mainstreaming of the early childhood, the influx of the Nigerian and Central African refugees, as well as the internal displacements of the populations. To these indicators, one may equally and mostly add the list of the social and economic priority projects per village. Hence the urgent need to update such CDPs. This consultation has therefore as overall objective to : (i) select Local Support Bodies (LSBs) aimed at updating the CDPs of certain Councils in the Far-North Region, and (ii) assisting such councils  in the  restitution of the CDPs to the communities, revamping the CCs put in place and restructuring villages as far as the implementation and monitoring of endogenous activities are concerned.

2.Objet New(Additif)

This mission shall have as overall objective to: (i) select the Local Support Bodies (LSBs) in order to update the CDPs of certain Councils in the Far-North Region; and (ii) assist the councils in the restitution of such CDPs to communities, revamp the CCs put n place and restructure villages with a view to implementing and monitoring endogenous activities.

3.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)
  1. Technically organize the workshop geared towards launching the process;
  2. Update the basic data  collected during the last planning operation;
  3. Identify endogenous facilitators and drill them on how to perform their respective duties, thereby putting data collection tools at their disposal and ensuring that they have a perfect command of the participatory-related facilitation techniques;
  4. Update the Council Institution Diagnostic  (CID);
  5. Update the Diagnostic of the Council Urban Space (DCUS);
  6. Carry out, once again, the Participatory Diagnostic at the Village Level (PDVL) and in quarters located in the urban space, thereby laying a special emphasis on the priorization of social and economic micro projects per village/quarter;
  7. Assist the beneficiary communities/villages/quarters, in identifying, programming and implementing endogenous solutions through the setting up/revamping of Consultation Committees (CCs)/Quarter’s Committees (QCs);
  8. Organize the CCs/QCs into sector-based committees, thereby handing over the management  and monitoring/evaluation tools to them for the implementation of their activities;
  9. Organize a planning and programming workshop at the end of which a draft and updated CDP will be drawn up;
  10. Support the Council in the approval, by the Municipal Councils extended to Sector-based Officials (COMES) of the CDP;
  11. Design a CDP which has been consolidated, approved and validated into ten (10) hard counterparts and five (05) soft counterparts (2 USB flash drives and 3 CD ROM);
  12. Design an annex document comprising all useful information (CID, DCUS, data consolidated on an Excel format, historic profile…) which do not feature in the summary of the CDP;
  13. Design a document comprising sector-based thematic cards (water, energy, transportation, education…) indicating, through haloes, the territory coverage based on sectors;
  14. Design a table through an Excel format, containing all information on the basic situation of the various sectors;
  15. Document the PRO-ADP software base and assist the communal agent in its appropriation;
  16. Assist the communal development agent as well as the official in charge of communities in providing the information feedback on the CDP to Consultations Committees.

 Upon delivery of the CDP, the second part of the said mission shall consist with:

Identifying, within the council, a service charged with monitoring endogenous activities as well as providing support to the organization of an environment (with a view to fostering the economy at the local level);

  1. Actively involving municipal councilors in the monitoring of activities that take place in their respective communities;
  2. Involving and actively mobilizing traditional rulers as well as local administrative authorities in the monitoring of planned activities;
  3. Restituting and organizing discussions with communities around the CDP, as well as on the Priority Investment Programmes (PIPs and MTDF);
  4. Reviewing the process upheld within the community during the planning operation;
  5. Assessing the activities that have effectively been carried out and are found in the tables earmarked for endogenous solutions;
  6. Revamping CCs/QCs, thereby assisting in the putting in place of officials in charge of the management of CCs/QCs/diagnostic and in reflecting on the vision;
  7. Backing up the putting in place/proposing tools as well as charters in connection with the implementation of endogenous activities;
  8.  Formulating criteria proposals as well as any other incentive measures aimed at fostering endogenous measures at the council’s and villages’ levels.

Detailed specifications will be put at the disposal of the selected Local Support Body and appended to its contract/agreement.

4.Financement New(Additif)

Fundings: IDA/C2D III.

5.Remises des offres New(Additif)

The Expressions of Interest (one original and six copies) stating the region and councils solicited must be submitted, latest on October 26, 2018, at 03:00 P.M., (local time), in conformity with the table below and shall bear the following mention « Call for Expression of Interest for the selection of Consultants (Non-Governmental Organization, Association, Common Initiative Group,) with a view to updating Communal Development Plans (CDPs) through a light planning-based approach».


Councils concerned








6.Composition du dossier New(Additif)

Candidates are called upon to furnish the following documents:

  • · The letter of expression of interest;
  • The detailed curriculum vitae of the key personnel, highlighting the qualifications and proven experience of experts in terms of similar missions;
  • The true certified copies of the required degrees/diplomas;
  • · The pertinent justifications of the Consultant’s references (Non-Governmental Organization, Association, Common Initiative Group) as regards similar missions.

PNDP shall reserve the right to check the authentication of the information thus communicated.

7.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

The qualifications of the LSB must comply with the following aspects:

  • Have a legal existence as well as the capacity to contract;
  • Having carried out a participatory approach that has resulted in the  elaboration of a development plan;
  • Having taken part in community development-based support activities;
  • Have at his/her disposal qualified, experienced human resources in sufficient number;
  • Have an appropriate financial and administrative capacity so as to be able to pre-finance such activities;
  • Have a pertinent geographical location;
  • Have a sound knowledge of sociological and cultural features of the solicited community as well as the capacity to fluently communicate in the local language(s).

Profile of the consultant’s key personnel:

In addition to the main consultant, the team will be made up of the following key personnel:


Minimum quantity

Minimum qualifications

Experience in

the area of

 local development




03 years

Team leader



03 years




02 years

Prior to the negotiation of the contract/agreement, the LSB will be required to provide the curriculum vitae of the experts proposed; such curriculum vitae are expected to be duly signed by the persons concerned, in order to confirm its qualification.

b) Selection criteria :

The LSB will be selected based on the following criteria:

-          Submission of an administrative file, notably documents attesting to the fact that the consultant is effectively a LSB (CIG, NGO, Association);

-          The number of works/ studies carried out in the area of local development or planning by the said unit/structure;

-          The number of years of experience of the said unit/structure;

-          The number of agents/officials as well as their qualifications in the area of participatory local development; such agents should operate under the LSB (key personnel).

The proximity of the place of location of the LSB compared with the Council solicited, not letting out the command of the local language(s), shall constitute additional assets.

N.B: The Consultant ranked first will be selected to go forward for further evaluation. A consultant may be short-listed by several Councils, provided s/he shows proof of his/her capacity to satisfactorily conduct several missions and to mobilize the personnel required for each mission.

Consultants are hereby informed that the provisions of paragraph 1.9 of  the « Directives dubbed: ‘‘Selection and Employment of Consultants by the World Bank’s Borrowers, edition of January 2011, version revised in  July 2014 (« Directives of Consultants »), and relating to the World Bank in terms of conflict of interests, shall be applicable.

8.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Interested consultants may obtain additional information on the purpose of this expression of interest at the Programme’s Regional Units, the Councils concerned or at the following address:
National Co-ordination Unit of PNDP, located at Pont-dragages, after the residence of the Ambassador of Côte d’Ivoire, not far from the offices of the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization/UNESCO as well as from the United Nations Development Programme /UNDP.
P.O. Box: 660 Yaounde – Cameroon
Phone: +237 222 21 36 64
Fax: + 237 222 21 36 63
Email:, at the following working hours: from 08:00 A.M. to 05:00 P.M. (local time).

YAOUNDE Le 26-09-2018