Within the framework of Within the framework of the Implementation of its development potîcy and the
improvement of investment crédits consumption Président of the West Régional Council herby launches
a request for quolation In emergency procédure for the equipment of the bilingual CES if Bamendjo
Mbouda Sub-Division, Bamboutos Division.
The Works subject of this contract include:
Product Compliance,
Delivery TImellnes,
Ûuality of RawMaterials,
Ethicsand SocialResponsibflity,
Transport Assurance.
Installation and Testing,
After-Sales Sen/ice.
Theestimated costoftheopération foKowing prior studiesis fourteen million (14000000) CFA Francs.
The works shall be done in a single lot defined as defined in the subject.
Participation in this invitation to tender is open to on equal terms to Cameroonian companies with
experience in the supply of material specified inthis quotation request.
works which form the subject of this invitation to tender shall befinanced by Public Investment Budget
The file may be consulted during working hours at the Internai Public Contracts Administrative
Management Entity (SIGAMP) of the West Régional Council as soon as this notice is published
The file may be obtained from WestRégional Council as soon as thisnotice is published against payment
of a non-refundable sumof 24 500 (twenty-four thousand fîve hundred) CFA francs payable at Régional
Each offerdraftedin English or Frenchinseven (7)copies including the original and six(6)copiesmarked
as such, should reach at the West Régional Council not later 10 JUIL 2024 at 10 AM and
should bear the following inscription:
Themaximum exécution deadiine provided for by the Project Owner or Delegated Project Owner for
the exécution of the works subject of this tender shall be two (02) months.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank
approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuring on the list in document 12 of the tender file of
an amount of twohundred eighty thousand (280000) CFA Francs.
It shalfbe valid forthirty (30) days beyond the original date of the validity of the offers.
Under pain ofrejection, the administrative documents required, must be produced in originals ortmecopies certified by the issuing service or an administrative authority (Senior Divisional Officer. Divisional Officer...) in accordance with the SpécialConditions of the invitation to tender.
They must net be older than threepreceding the original date ofsubmission ofbids (3) nDonths or must not have been established afler the signing of the tender notice.
The opening of the administrative, technical and financial bids shati take place on 18JUIL 2024 at
11 h00AM by theTender's Board attached to thePrésident oftheRégional Council in the West Regbnal
Council headquarter.
Only bidders may attend or be duly represented bya person of their choioe. Thebid-opening session must be done not later than one hour affer the time-limit fàr Oie submission of bids as specified in the tender
The eliminatory criteria set the minimum conditions to befutfilled in order toexecute vrorks subject ofthe tender. They should notbe marked. They should be determined depending onthenature and thecontent of Works to be executed. These are:
i) Missing or non-compliant administrative documents, not regularized within 48hours;
ii) Misrepresentatbn, falsified or non-authentic document;
iii) Non confbrmity with the submission model;
iv) Omission ofa quantified unit price inthe financial offer;
v) Technical score less than 70 points outof 100;
vi) Absence of bidbond ;
vil) No commitment onthe honor ofnever having abandoned market in thelastthree years;
viii) Financial capacity lessthan orequal toonethird ofthe estimated costofthe project;
ix) Having a pastyearproject in progress by the bktder;
x) Produce an insufficient number of documents.
The contracling authority will award the contract to the bidder whose administrative offer is deemed
compilant, meeting the required technical and financial capacities resulting from the essentiel criteria of
the Tender Document, and which will be the lowest bidder at the évaluation of the financial offer.
Bidders will remain committed to their offers for 90 days from the deadiine set for the submission of
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from West Régional