The Administrative Director of CDENO, Contracting Authority relaunches by emergency procedure an open national invitation to tender FOR THE ACQUISITION OF TRACTOR ACCESSORIES (BALER AND CUTTER)
The services of this contract comprise notably: (supply of equipment, transportation, handling, setting up and acceptance, where appropriate to be indicated by the Contracting Authority or Project Owner).
The estimated costafter preliminary studies stands at Twenty Five million Francs (25,000.000 Frs) CFA
This supply shall be in one lot only.
Participation in this invitation is opened to registered qualified contractors of the Republic of Cameroon with financial ability, technical and professional expertise.
This project shall be financed by CDENO budget for 2018. chap 22:20:00
The tender documents are available for consultation at CDENO. Service of Administration and Finance, Door No. I, P.O Box 399, Tel. No. 233 362 615 / 233 362 252 .
The tender can be obtained upon presentation of a receipt showing payment of a non-refundable sum of Fifty Thousand (50,000) FCFA payable at the treasury.The original copy of tyhis receipt shall be included in the bidder's documents
The Administrative Director of the North West Livestock Development Fund (CDENO) hereby inform Bidders for the above mentioned tenders that the latest date for the submission of bids has been extended to Wednesday 01/08/2018 at 11:00am and opening of tenders shall proceed at 12:00 noon on the same day.
While counting on your understanding, accept my regards
The maximum deadline for the delivery of the supplies forming the subject of this invitation to tender is one month.
Each bidder must attach to his/her administrative documents an attestation of guarantee deposit of Five hundred thousand (500.000)FCFA with all taxes inclusive made by a bank approved by the ministry of the Economy and Finance. This attestation, which must be an original, should not be more than three(3)months old.
Subject to being rejected, documents in the administrative file must include only originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or competentadministrative authorities in accordance with the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender.These documents must be less than three(3)months oldor established after the signing of the tender notice.
Any bid not in conformity with the prescriptions of the Tender File shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Minister in charge of Finance or the non-respect of the models of the tender file documents shall lead to a pure and simple rejection of the bid
The Bids shall be opened in a single phase the conference hall of CDENO on the the 23/07/2018 at 12:00 prompt. At the opening of the bids by the CDENO Internal Tenders Board, any bid that shall not conform to the prescription of the tender documents shall be rejected out rightly, especially those lacking any required Administrative document and the guarantee deposit, which must be originals or copies certified by a competent Authority at the place of issue of the original.
Only bidders may attend or be represented by a duly mandated person.
ELIMINATING CRITERIA: On opening of thebidsthe tenders board shall reject out rightly any bid that falls under any one of the criteria mentioned below:
• Absence of bid bond ;
• False declaration or falsified document;
• Non-compliance with major technicalons of the supply ((to be listed);
• Absence of quantified unit price
• Non-compliance with the model tender;
• Absence of prospectus accompanied by the technical sheets from the manufacturer;
Essential criteria:
Thetechnical documents shall be evaluated following the binary method:
1. GENERAL PRESENTATION ❖ Document spirally bound ❖ Coloured page cover ❖ Hard back cover ❖ Content page ❖ Coloured separators ❖ General cleanliness |
2, PERSONNEL Detail technical note concerning : > Table of personnel > Qualification of personnel (certified certificate and CV) |
4. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE OF BIDDER >Table of past supplies realized {indicate amount, year, contract number, funding body and place of supply) > Certified copies of contracts and P.Vs of reception |
5. EQUIPMENT ❖ Prove of ownership of a liaison vehicle |
7. Financial capacity (at least 60% of contract amount) |
Only bids that score above70% yes criteria on the technical tender shall have their financial tender evaluated
The contracting authority shall award the contract to the bidder whose bidis judged to conform tothe essential of the tender specification, and who has submitted the most coherent bid and the lowest bidder. But in consistent and unrealistic offers will not be accepted
The bidders shall remain committed to their bid for 60 days from the dateline of the submission of bids
Further information can be obtained from the C.D.E.N.O office, or the Contracting Authority.