1 | Remises des offres |
Au lieu de ... Each offer drafted in English or French in 06 (six) copies including 01 (one) original and 05 (five) copies marked as such, should reach Tubah Council, Mayor’s Private Secretariat not later than 21/02/2024at 10.am local time and should carry the inscription:
<< OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 01/ONIT/TC/TCITB/2024 OF 26/01/2024 UNDER EMERGENCY PROCEDURE FOR THE ROAD MAINTENANCE IN TUBAH MUNICIPALITY-(Grading of road from Door market -Tchua – Tahnobuh – Allumbieh, grading of road from from 3 corners to Agric School, grading of road from mile 11 junction to Finge palace, grading of road from Bambili road to Mallam bridge in Bambui).IN TUBAH SUBDIVISION, MEZAM DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION. “To be opened only during the bid-opening session”
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IT IS LAUNCHED UNDER THE NORMAL PROCEDURE OF 26 DAYS ARTICLE 2: That all Bidders in Possession of this Tender files should Report at the Publication of this NOTE to the Mayor’s Secretariat at Tubah Council for Further information. ARTICLE 3: That the submission/opening day is changed from the 21/02/2024 to 28/02/2024 at same time. ARTICLE 4. That this present Additional Clause is issued to serve whenever and wherever need arises:- |
2 | Ouverture des Plis |
Au lieu de ... The bids shall be opened in a single phase. The opening of the administrative documents, the Technical and Financial offers will take place on the 21/02/2024at 11.amlocal time, in the conference hall of Tubah Council, by the Tubah Internal Tender Board. Only bidders may attend or be represented by duly mandated persons of their choice.
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IT IS LAUNCHED UNDER THE NORMAL PROCEDURE OF 26 DAYS ARTICLE 2: That all Bidders in Possession of this Tender files should Report at the Publication of this NOTE to the Mayor’s Secretariat at Tubah Council for Further information. ARTICLE 3: That the submission/opening day is changed from the 21/02/2024 to 28/02/2024 at same time. ARTICLE 4. That this present Additional Clause is issued to serve whenever and wherever need arises:- |