The Government of the Republic of Cameroon has received funding from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) towards the cost of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) for the North West Region of Cameroon and the Project intends to apply a portion ofthis financing to eligible payments under the Contract for the construction of basic community infra-structure in the North West Region.
The Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the construction of basic community infrastructure in the North West Region, Cameroon asper the following two lots:
Lot 1: The construction of:
a) 100 classrooms+100 school toilets (16 Boyo Division, 13 Bui Division, 25 Donga-Maniung Division , 16 Mezam Division, 15 Menchum Division, 8 Momo Division, 7 Ngoh-Ketunja Division)
b)20 community halls(3 Boyo Division, 3 Bui Division, 3 Donga-Mantung Division ,3 Mezam Division, 3 Menchum Division, 3 Momo Division, 2 Ngoh-Ketunja Division)
c)20 Health Centers (3 Boyo Division, 3 Bui Division, 3 Donga-Mantung Division ,3 Mezam Division, 3 Menchum Division, 3 Momo Division, 2 Ngoh-Ketunja Division))
Lot 2: The construction of:
a)7 cattle markets in Fundong, Takija, Binshua, Misaje, Mendankwe, Acha-Tugiand Babungo
b)27 rural water schemes (4 Boyo Division, 4 Bui Division, 5 Donga-Mantung Division ,3 Mezam Division, 4 Menchum Division, 3 Momo Division, 4 Ngoh-Ketunjia Division)
A candidate can bid for both lots as a unique candidate or joint venture, consortium, or association (JVCA). Each lot will be awarded to a bidder who satisfies all the qualification requirements of the lot. A bidder can be awarded both lots.
The Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the construction of basic community infrastructure in the North West Region, Cameroon asper the following two lots:
Lot 1: The construction of:
a) 100 classrooms+100 school toilets (16 Boyo Division, 13 Bui Division, 25 Donga-Maniung Division , 16 Mezam Division, 15 Menchum Division, 8 Momo Division, 7 Ngoh-Ketunja Division)
b)20 community halls(3 Boyo Division, 3 Bui Division, 3 Donga-Mantung Division ,3 Mezam Division, 3 Menchum Division, 3 Momo Division, 2 Ngoh-Ketunja Division)
c)20 Health Centers (3 Boyo Division, 3 Bui Division, 3 Donga-Mantung Division ,3 Mezam Division, 3 Menchum Division, 3 Momo Division, 2 Ngoh-Ketunja Division))
Lot 2: The construction of:
a)7 cattle markets in Fundong, Takija, Binshua, Misaje, Mendankwe, Acha-Tugiand Babungo
b)27 rural water schemes (4 Boyo Division, 4 Bui Division, 5 Donga-Mantung Division ,3 Mezam Division, 4 Menchum Division, 3 Momo Division, 4 Ngoh-Ketunjia Division)
A candidate can bid for both lots as a unique candidate or joint venture, consortium, or association (JVCA). Each lot will be awarded to a bidder who satisfies all the qualification requirements of the lot. A bidder can be awarded both lots.
Participation in this invitation for bids is open to Member Country firms of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), eligible under the Bank's financing.
Besides the clause onboycott asper the Islamic Conference Organization, the Arab League and the African Union Regulations, shall be excluded from the tender, any Contractor that falls under the following provisions:
- Enterprises under suspension because of the cancellation of a contract, in keeping with article 191 of decree N° 2018/366 of 20 June 2018 bearing on Cameroon Public Contracts Code,
-Non-legally and financially autonomous public enterprises which are not managed in keeping with commercial law rules.
Interested eligible bidders who may need further clarification could do so in writing to the Project Coordinator of LIFIDEP, LIFIDEP Building Ayaba street,P.O Box 142, Mankon Bamenda. Telephone : (+237) 691 046 397, e-mail;, atleastfilteen (15) daysbeforethe closing date for submission of bids.
Qualification requirements include; (a) financial Standing, (b) experience and technical capacity.
The Project Coordinator of the Live stock and Fisheries Development Project(LIFIDEP), informs all those who acquired bidding documents for the above call for tenders, that if by any chance, their bidding documents donot contain pages 1-61 and 1-62, to collect these pages from the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, on publication of this addendum.
The Project Coordinalor of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), infonns all bidders and prospective bidders for the above call for tenders, that the deadline for submission of bids originally slated for 28 September 2018 has been carried forward to
Friday 19th of October 2018 at 10 am at the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, Cameroon.
The execution time frames shall be 9 months per lot.Where a bidder wins both lots, the execution times shall run concurrently:
Bids shall include a bid security (Provisional Bank Guarantee or bid bond),issued in keeping with the tender model by a first category banking institution approved by the CameroonMinistryincharge of Finance.It shall stand at
Lot 1: 44 000 000 (Forty four million) FCFA
Lot 2: 26 000 000(twenty six Million)Francs CFA
and be valid for a period of one hundred and fifty (150) days with effect from the tender-submission deadline.
A provisional guarantee issued by a non-Cameroon-based banking institution should designate a local bank or financial institution approved by the Ministry incharge of Finance, Cameroon as a correspondent bank to make the guarantee operative.
The absence or non-compliance of the provisional guarantee with the tender model shal llead to a rejection of the corresponding offer
Bids shall be opened on the 28/09/2018 at 11:00H local time by the LIFIDEP Special Tenders' Board in the Board Room Ground Floor LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street, Bamenda Cameroon in the presence of bidders or their duly authorized representatives having a perfect knowledge of the file.
Only one person can represent a bidder,even in the case of a Joint-Venture.
Qualification requirements include; (a) financial Standing, (b) experience and technical capacity.
Bids shall be valid for one hundred and twenty (120) days fromthe date of submission.
This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice for this Project that appeared in the UN Development Business web site dated 7th January 2014, the IDB website dated 7th January 2014 and Cameroon Tribune dated lO'^ January 2014.
For all acts of corruption, kindly call or send an SMS to MINMAP at these numbers: (+237)673 20 57 25/ (+237)699 370748