Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 19-09-2016 à 15:13
Support : Plateforme :
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST N° 005/REI/SOWEDA/CP/16 of 13/09/2016 for the Pre-Qualificition of Consultants to Assist SOWEDA in Securing its Seed Multiplication Farms in the South West Region — By Emergency Procedure.
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

The Government of Cameroon and SOWEDA have signed a three-year contract for the restructuring of SOWEDA. Within the framework of implementing the activities related to Year 1 (2016) of the contract the General Manager of SOWEDA hereby launches a Request for Expression of Interest for the Pre­Qualification of Consultants to Assist SOWEDA in Securing its Seed Multiplication Farms in the South West Region.

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The services related to this Expression of Interest are to assist SOWEDA to secure its Seed Multiplication Farms divided into Lots as follows:

  • Lot 1: Seed Multiplication Farm in Obang, Manyu Division (Phase 1)
  • Lot 2: Seed Multiplication Farm in Ekona, Fako Division
  • Lot 3: Seed Multiplication Farm in Obang, Manyu Division (Phase 2) and Nyan, Kupe-Muanenguba Division
3.Participation et origine New(Additif)

technical competence and national experience in the provision of the services mentioned above.

Consultants may associate with others in order to enhance their qualifications and experience. In this respect they shall clearly specify the type of association (joint-venture or sub-consultancy).

4.Financement New(Additif)

FUNDING:       STATE/SOWEDA `Contrat Plan' 2016-2018: MINFI/Chapter 93

5.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

Each Expression of Interest should consist of an Administrative File and a Technical Proposai sealed in separate envelopes, written in English or in French and submitted in four (04) copies each, of which one (01) original and three (03) copies.

All Expressions of Interest should be submitted at the Secretariat of the Director of General Affairs of SOWEDA, P.O. Box 336 Buea, South West Region on or before 30fil September 2016 at 10:00 am prompt.

The file shall be contained in a single and sealed envelope addressed to the General Manager of SOWEDA, P.O. Box 336 Buea bearing the inscription:

6.Remises des offres New(Additif)

The opening and evaluation of application files in view of pre-qualifying the consultancy firms shail be carried out at SOWEDA, Buea.

7.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Each Expression of Interest should consist of an Administrative File and a Technical Proposai sealed in separate envelopes, written in English or in French and submitted in four (04) copies each, of which one (01) original and three (03) copies.

All Expressions of Interest should be submitted at the Secretariat of the Director of General Affairs of SOWEDA, P.O. Box 336 Buea, South West Region on or before 30fil September 2016 at 10:00 am prompt.

The file shall be contained in a single and sealed envelope addressed to the General Manager of SOWEDA, P.O. Box 336 Buea bearing the inscription:


"Request for Expression of Interest N° 005/REI/SOWEDA/CP/16 of 28/06/2016 for the Pre-Qualification of Consultants to Assist SOWEDA in Seuring its Seed Multiplication Farms in the South WesCRegion — By Emergency Procedure.


8.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

The opening and evaluation of application files in view of pre-qualifying the consultancy firms shail be carried out at SOWEDA, Buea

9.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)
  • Incomplete administrative documents or absence of a requested document
  • False declaration or falsified document
  • Lack of qualified and experienced personnel.


12. Indicaae Selection Criteria

The consutent shall be pre-selected on the basis of:

-     Experts' qualifications and experiences in the groject domain scored on 50 pts

- -Firm' s reference scored on 20 pts;                           i

-     Technical and material means to be put irplâce scored on 20 pts;

  • - Duration to accomplish assignment scored on 10 pts.

Note: only candidates with total technical score is at least 70 on 100 points shall be selected.

10.Attribution New(Additif)

Selected firms shall be invited to participate in the restricted national tender for the recruitment of the consultancy firm to carry out the activity that is subject of this call for expression of interest.

11.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Additional information notably on the presentation of SOWEDA and the method of selection can be obtained during working !ours from the Secretariat of the Director of General Affairs of SOWEDA, P.O. Box 336 Buea: Email;; Tel: 233 32 26 22 or 233 32 28 05

BUEA Le 03-09-2016