As part of the improvement of the living conditions of the populations of the city of Dschang, the Mayor of Dschang Council launches a National Open Bidding for the supply and installation work of 46 all-in-one single-bracket solar street lights in Dschang city.
Work includes in particular:
The service which is the subject of this Consultation is financed by the MINHDU Public Investment budget, Financial Year 2025, for a forecast project cost of Forty-six million one hundred thousand (46,100,000) CFA Francs all taxes included.
The works are divided into a single lot
Participation to this consultation is opened to Cameroonians companies specialized in the field concerned and having sufficient legal, financial and technical capacities.
The service which is the subject of this Consultation is financed by the MINHDU Public Investment budget, Financial Year 2025,
The file of request for quotation can be consulted during works hours in the General Secretariat of the Dschang council, located on the floor of the principal building of the DSCHANG Council as of the date publication of this quotation.
The file of request for quotation can be obtained at the General Secretary of the Dschang Council, as of the date of publication of this quotation, on presentation of the original of the receipt of payment of a nonrefundable sum of Seventy-Five Thousand (75.000) Francs CFA payable to the Raveling collector of the Council of Dschang.
Each offer written in English or French an in seven (07) copies whose one (01) original and six (06) copies marked like as, must be deposited to the Secretariat-general of the Dschang council, latest on January 29, 2025 at 10 a.m. standard time and have to be marked:
The completion period of the works is fixed at three (03) months as from the date of notification to start the services works.
Under penalty of rejection, each tenderer must attach to his administrative documents a bid bond drawn up by a bank of first order or an insurance company approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance and listed in Exhibit 12 of the call for tenders document for an amount equal nine hundred and twenty-two thousand (922,000) CFA francs, valid for a period of thirty (30) days, beyond the closing date for the validity of the bids
Any other required administrative documents must be produced as original documents or photocopies certified as authentic by the issuing authority within the last three months or in course of validity, according to the listing provided for in the special regulations of the tender, otherwise they shall not be accepted.
Any bid not in compliance with the specifications of this tender notice and file shall be rejected. Notably, the absence of the provisional guarantee issued by a well-established bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance or its non-compliance with the model documents of the tender file shall lead to outright rejection of the bid
Bids shall be opened in one phase. The administrative, technical and financial bids shall be opened on January 29, 2025 at 11 a.m. local time by the Council Tenders Board at the Dschang Council. In the presence of the bidders or their duly authorized representatives having full knowledge of the file.
a. Elimination Criteria
The elimination criteria set out the minimum conditions to be admitted for evaluation according to the essential tanks. Failure to comply with these criteria will result in the tenderer's bid being rejected.
These include:
- absence of an administrative document not regularized within 48 hours;
- absence of the bid bond at the opening of tenders;
- false declaration or forged document;
- omission in the financial offer of a quantified unit price;
- technical score below 80% (at least 33 “YES” out of 47);
- absence of a certificate of non-abandonment of a site on the honor;
- absence of or financial capacity less than ten million (10,000,000) CFA Francs;
- cumulative amounts of contracts carried out and received over the last five (05) years less than 45 million Francs FCFA;
- absence of a market for public lighting by solar energy or photovoltaic electrical installation carried out and accepted as the main contractor during the last five (05) years.
b. Essential Criteria
The criteria for the qualification of candidates will be indicative of:
- financial capacity;
- the references;
- the execution time;
- the staff;
- the materials.
The Contracting Authority during the contract awards and before signing the contract by the contractor proposed by the Internal Tender Boards, reserve the right to increase or decrease the amount of certain tasks or services originally specify in the bill of quantities, without any change in unit price or order terms and conditions. The combination of this amendment shall not exceed 20% of the proposed amount include
Bidders shall be bound by their bids for a period of (90) days with effect from the date of opening of bids.
Further information may be obtained during working hours from the Dschang council in the secretariat general, Tél.: 674978761