1 | Remises des offres |
Au lieu de ... Each offer Drafted in Engiish or French and in seven (07) copies, inciuding one original and six (06) copies, labelled as such, tender shall be submitted in a sealed enveiope and against a receiptat the unit of launching of tenders of the Internai Commission in charge of Public Contracts situated at the Foumbot Councll, not later than 01/04/2024 at 10 ho*clockThey shall bear the following: "OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER |
Lire plutot Each offer Drafted in Engiish or French and in seven (07) copies, inciuding one original and six (06) copies, labelled as such, tender shall be submitted in a sealed enveiope and against a receiptat the unit of launching of tenders of the Internai Commission in charge of Public Contracts situated at the Foumbot Councll, not later than 15/04/2024 at 08 ho*clockThey shall bear the following: |
2 | Ouverture des Plis |
Au lieu de ... The administrative documents, the technical and financial proposais shall be opened on 01/04/2024 at 11 O'ctock local time, At the Internai Commission in charge of Public Contracts situated at the |
Lire plutot The administrative documents, the technical and financial proposais shall be opened on 15/04/2024 at 10 O'ctock local time, At the Internai Commission in charge of Public Contracts situated at the |