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Publié le 07-06-2024 à 20:18
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ADDITIONAL CLAUSE NO. 01  Bearing on the inclusion of eliminatory and essential criteria for the tender   No. 03/RQ/BIIC.ITB/BIIC/MEZAM/NWR/2024 of 03 June 2024 The state of Cameroon represented by the mayor of Bamenda II Council (CA) named as “Administration”     Hereby Decides as follows   Article 1. The present additional clause has as objective the inclusion of eleminatory and essential criteria for the tender   No. 03/RQ/BIIC.ITB/BIIC/MEZAM/NWR/2024 of 03 June 2024 for the supply of Medical Apparatus to Azire and Ntambag Integrated Health Centers in Bamenda II Council Area       Article 2. The bids shall be evaluated according to the main criteria as follows:       Eliminatory criteria   Outright elimination during the opening session of the bids   1.  Absence of the bid bond   Other Criteria   2.  Absence or non-conformity of an element in the administrative file;3.  Deadline for delivery higher than prescribed;4.  False declaration or falsified documents;5.  A bid with the external envelope carrying a sign or mark leading to the identification of the bidder;6.  Incomplete financial file;7.  Change of quantity or unit of the Tender file in the financial bid;8.  Non respect of 75%of essential criteria; Essential criteria       1-  General presentation of the tender files;   2-  Financial capacity;   3-  References of the company in similar achievements;   4-  Quality of the personnel;    5-  Technical organization of the works;   6-  Safety measures on the site;   7-  Logistics;   8-  Attestation and report of site visit;   9-  Special Technical Clauses initialed in all the pages;   10-Special Administrative Clauses completed and initialed in all the pages.   These essential criteria are subject to lower limits, the details of which are spelled out in the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender      
Source de financement
1 Critères d'évaluation
Au lieu de ...


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Eliminatory criteria

  • Outright elimination during the opening session of the bids 

1.  Absence of the bid bond 

  • Other Criteria

 2.  Absence or non-conformity of an element in the administrative file;

3.  Deadline for delivery higher than prescribed;
4.  False declaration or falsified documents;
5.  A bid with the external envelope carrying a sign or mark leading to the identification of the bidder;
6.  Incomplete financial file;
7.  Change of quantity or unit of the Tender file in the financial bid;
8.  Non respect of 75%of essential criteria;
Essential criteria

1-  General presentation of the tender files;

 2-  Financial capacity;

 3-  References of the company in similar achievements;

 4-  Quality of the personnel; 

 5-  Technical organization of the works;

 6-  Safety measures on the site;

 7-  Logistics;

 8-  Attestation and report of site visit;

 9-  Special Technical Clauses initialed in all the pages;

10-Special Administrative Clauses completed and initialed in all the pages.

 These essential criteria are subject to lower limits, the details of which are spelled out in the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender



BAMENDA Le 05-06-2024