MINDFUL OF: the Constitution;
MINDFUL OF: the decree N° 2004/275 of 24th September 2004 on the Public Contracts Code
MINDFUL OF: the circular n° 004/CAB/PM of 30th December 2005 in relation to the application
Of the Public Contracts Code;
MINDFUL OF: the decree n° 2011/408 of 09th December 2011 organizing the Government;
MINDFUL OF: the decree N° 2011 /41 2 of 09th December 2011 reorganizing the Presidency of the Republic;
MINDFUL OF: the decree N° 2012/074 of 08th march 2012 Creating, Organizing and Functioning of the Tenders Board of Public Contracts;
MINDFUL OF: the decree N° 2012/075 of 08th march 2012 organizing the Ministry of Public Contracts;
MINDFUL OF: the circular N° 001 /CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 in relation to the Award and Control of Public Contracts;
MINDFUL OF: the Decision N° 00000446/D/MINMAP/SG/DAJ/PR of 20th July 2016 Appointing members of Tubah Council Internal Tender Board
MINDFUL OF: the Open National Invitation to Tender N° 01/ONIT/TC/TCITB/2017 OF 06/04/2017 for the maintenance works of earth road in Tubah council, Mezam Division of the North West Region
MINDFUL OF: the Award proposals of Tubah Council Internal Tender Board transmitted by letter N° 07/L/TCITB/2017 of 28/04/2017
Article 1: That Jobbing Order relating to the maintenance works of earth road in Tubah council, Mezam
Division of the North West Region, is awarded to the enterprise herein mentioned below:
N° Lot |
Unique lot: maintaintance work of earth road in Tubah Council, Mezam Division of the North West Region |
39.999.562 |
90 DAYS |
Article2: This present decision shall be published and registered where need be.