The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea hereby launches an Urgent Restricted National Invitation to Tender for the recruitment of a consultant to oversee the Construction of Phase I of the Administrative and Pedagogic Block for the Faculty of Laws and Political Science at the University of Buea
The selected consulting firm shall be required to supervise the construction of this phase of the construction
The estimated cost after preliminary studies is 17,500,000 (seventeen million five hundred thousand) CFA francs including taxes
This Restricted tender is open to the following pre-qualified multi-disciplinary consulting firms on the oasis of a National Call for Manifestation of Interest No.003/DPPI/UB/18 of 14/09/2018 and the pre-selection report of 25/11/2018.
S/N |
Enterprise |
Address |
1 |
P.O. Box 1545, Buea |
2 |
P.O. Box 1372, Limbe. |
This project is funded by the 2018 Budget of the University of Buea, Programme 242, Article 242710, Paragraph 642005
Tender documents can be consulted during working hours at the Secretariat of the Development Office, Room 211, Central Administration Building of the University of Buea as soon as this notice is published.
Tender documents can be obtained during working hours at the Secretariat of the Development Office, Room 211, Central Administration Building, University of Buea, upon presentation of a receipt of a non-refundable fee of 20,000 (twenty thousand) CFA francs to the special ARMP account N°. 33598842001- 44 at BICEC.
Bidders must submit their bids in seven copies (one original and six copies) to the Development Office of the University of Buea, located in Room 211 of the Central Administration Building by 12.00 noon. on 07/12/2018. Bids shah NOT be received after this date. The bids should be addressed to The Vice-Chancellor, University of Buea, P.O. Box 63, Buea. The khaki brown envelope containing the bids should be marked on the top right hand corner;
The maximum deadline provided for by the Contracting Authority for the execution of this phase of the project shah be nine (9) months.
Each bidder must include in his Administrative Documents, a bid bond of 350,000 (three hundred and fifty thousand) FCFA. It should be issued by a bank recognized by the Ministry of Finance, as specified in Document 11 of this tender file. Administrative documents must be less than three months old and must flot be signed after submission of the bids. Only originals or copies certified by the competent administrative authorities (Senior Divisional Officers, Divisional Officer, etc,) including the bid bond, should imperatively be produced. Bids which fait to comply with this requirement will be rejected.
Any bid which does flot conform to the prescription of this invitation to tender shah be declared inadmissible. Particularly, the absence of the bid bond or non respect of the models of the tender documents shah lead to a pure and simple rejection of the bid without any appeal being entertained.
Bidders must submit their bids in seven copies (one original and six copies) to the Development Office of the University of Buea, located in Room 211 of the Central Administration Building by 12.00 noon. on 07/12/2018. Bids shah NOT be received after this date. The bids should be addressed to The Vice-Chancellor, University of Buea, P.O. Box 63, Buea. The khaki brown envelope containing the bids should be marked on the top right hand corner;
"Restricted National Invitation to Tender No.003/RNIT/TB/UB/18 of 02/11/18 for the Recruitment of a Consultant to Oversee the Construction of the Administrative and Pedagogic Block for the Faculty of Laws and Political Science at the University of Buea"
"To be opened only during the tender opening session"
Bids shah be opened in two phases. The first phase shah be on 07/12/2018 at 01.00 p.m by the University of Buea Tenders Board in the Conference Room of the Central Administration Building of the University of Buea, in the presence of the bidders or their duly authorized representatives who should have a perfect mastery of the bids.
Absence of any administrative documents
The absence of a bid bond and/or Attestation for Bidding Purposes from CNPS
- Falsification of documents
Lack of proof of registration of Head of Mission in the relevant Order
- Obtaining a Technical score of less than 70% Consortiums without a legal joint venture;
The evaluation of technical bids shah be carried out as follows:
A - Presentation of tender: (Maximum 5 points)
B - References of missions involving studies and supervision
(03) within the fast seven (07) years, with justifications (Maximum 15 points)
C — Comprehension of Terms of Reference organization
and methodology proposed. (Maximum 15 points)
D — Technical equipment at the disposai of the consultant (Maximum 05 points)
E — Qualification of Experts and their experience in their
domain of expertise (Maximum 20 points)
TOTAL...................................................................................................... .60 points
Only bids that obtain a technical score of 70% shah' be submitted for financial analysis.
The contract shall be awarded on the oasis of the best bid using the combination of Technical and financial criteria
Bidders shall be bound by their bids for a period of ninety (90) days with effect from the tender submission deadline.
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from Room 211,Central Administration Building of the University of Buea