MINDFUL OF: The Constitution;
MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2004/275 of 24th September 2004 on the Public Contracts Code;
MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 organizing the Government;
MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2011/412 of 09 December organizing the Presidency of the Republic;
MINDFULLOF: Decree N° 2011/408 09 December 2011 organizing the Government
MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2011/410 of 09 December 2011 forming the Government
MINDFUL OF; Decree N 2012/074 of 08 March 2012 relating to the Setting up, Organizing and Functioning of the Tender Boards
MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2012/075 of 08 March 2012 organizing the Ministry of P Contracts;
MINDFUL OF: Arête N° 0222/ CAB/PR/ of 08 May 2015 bearing the appointment of personnel of the external Services Ministry of Public Contracts
MINDFULL OF: Circular N°001/CAB/PR of 19 June 2012 on the award; the controI of execution of public contracts;
MINDFUL OF: Circular N° 004/CAB/PM/ of 30 December 2005 relating to the application of the public contracts Code.
MINDFUL OF; The circular N° 001/C/MINFI of 28 December 2017 on instructions relating to the execution of the finance law, the monitoring and execution of the State Budget, Administrative, Public Establishment, Regional and local Authorities for the 2017 financial Year;
MINDFUL OF: Open National Invitation to Tender N° 04 /ONIT/DDMINMAP/BUI/DTB/2017 of 28th of February 2017
MINDFUL OF: The report of the sub technical commission
MINDFUL OF: The award proposal made by the Divisional Tender's Board.
Article 1: That the jobbing order for the Construction of a Pigsty at Kumbo Principal Prison, Bui Division, North West Rgion has been awarded as follows:
SuccessfuI bidder |
Contract amount(TTC) |
Budget head N° |
Duration |
01 |
24,959,780 |
51081090251162812226282 |
03 months |
Article 2: This Decision shall be registered and published whenever need be.