Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 10-10-2024 à 15:23
Support : Plateforme :
AN ADDENDUM MODIFYING THE DATE OF BID OPENING FOR TENDER NO. 017/ONIT/MINDDEVEL/BC/BCITB/BAFUT-FEICOM/2024 of 06/09/2024 AND TENDER NO. 018/ONIT/MINDDEVEL/BC/BCITB/2024 of 06/09/2024 This addendum is to modify the date of submission and bid opening of the above mentioned projects. Following a series of lock downs that affected activities of the region and the recent change in market prices compared to the mercurial prices of some of the supplies listed in Tender No. 018 and as advised by the Contract Engineer that the bill of quantities be revised to suit the current trends, the following addendum has been prepared to enable contractors effectively complete and submit their bids for the mentioned projects.
Source de financement
1 Ouverture des Plis
Au lieu de ...

The opening of the bids is in a sinlge phase. The opening of the administrative, the technical and financial offers will take place on the  04/10/ 2024 at 11a.m. prompt in the conference hall of the BAFUT council by the competent Tenders Board. Only bidders may attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice, who has full knowledge of the file and mandated in that capacity.

Lire plutot

Bids will be received and opened on the 24/10/2024 at 10:00am and 11:00am respectively in the conference hall of the Bafut Council, by  the Council Internal Tender’s Board, in the presence of the bidders or their mandated representatives with full knowledge of the files if they so desire.

BAFUT Le 08-10-2024