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Publié le 13-03-2019 à 18:16
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 NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR MANIFESTATION OF INTEREST No _2019-00110_ / RMMI / UBa / 2019 of _02/03/2019_ for the pre-selection of technical consulting firms to carry out architectural and technical studies for the construction of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of The University of Bamenda
Source de financement
1.Contexte New(Additif)

As part of the ongoing infrastructural development of The University of Bamenda and the operationalization of new institutions created by the Head of State in some universities, the Vice-Chancellor of The University of Bamenda plans to recruit a consulting firm to carry out preliminary studies for the construction of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences.

2.Objet New(Additif)

The purpose of this notice of request for manifestation of interest is to prequalify the technical consulting firms to participate in the National Restricted Call for Tenders for the recruitment of the consultants responsible to carry out architectural and technical studies for the construction of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Bamenda.

3.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)


4.Participation et origine New(Additif)

The participation in the present solicitation of interest is reserved for the Cabinets / firms with a proven experience in the field of the envisaged services. Candidates will have to justify a great experience capitalized by their experts.

5.Financement New(Additif)

Funding is provided by the public investment budget of the Ministry of Higher Education, Financial Year 2019.

6.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Bids written in French or English in four (04) copies including one (01) original and three (03) copies will be deposited in the Directorate of Development, Physical Plant and Infrastructure of The University of Bamenda BP: 39, Bambili, no later than _19/03/2019_ at 12 noon prompt, and shall be marked:

"Notice of request for manifestation of interest
No _2019-00110_ / NRMI / UBa / 2019 of _02/03/2019_
for the pre-selection of technical consulting firms to carry out architectural and technical studies for the construction of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Bamenda.
To open only during the bid opening session ".


7.Composition du dossier New(Additif)

The candidates' file will be presented in a sealed envelope containing two envelopes inside:

The first envelope "envelope A" will be marked "administrative documents" and will contain the following documents:

The candidates' file will be presented in a sealed envelope containing two envelopes inside:

The first envelope "envelope A" will be marked "administrative documents" and will contain the following documents:




Declaration of manifestation of interest of the candidate showing the company name, address of the registered office, contacts, etc.


Photocopy of the taxpayer card


Photocopy of the commercial register


Attestation of non-indebtedness


Photocopy of the certificate of location and a location plan


Certificate of non-bankruptcy


Certificate of non-exclusion from public contracts

The second envelope "envelope B" will be marked "technical offer". It will contain all documents relating to the competency and general references of the tenderer and its financial capacity, placed in the order indicated in the following table:



Methodology documents


Organization of the firm / design office


Methodological note on the understanding and planning of the mission


List of experts and staff that the firm intends to involve in the mission if it is retained
- Join CV dated and signed by interested, highest degree
- Join the organizational chart of the mission


Experience of the firm in similar missions. Provide the following information by mission:
- Designation of the mission
- Country and location
- Profiles of specialized staff used
- Name of the chief of mission
- Name and address of the client
- Start and end dates
- Financial value


Experience of experts in similar missions. Provide the following information by mission:
- Name of the expert
- Designation of the mission
- Country and location
- Role of the expert in this mission
- Name of the chief of mission
- Name and address of the client
- Start and end dates
- Financial value


List of execution material
- Office furniture
- Hardware
- Logistics
- Software

-The non-production of one of these documents will result in a zero (0) mark

-Any false statement will result in rejection of the candidate's offer

At the end of this request for manifestation of interest, a short list of pre-qualified consulting firms will be established and a letter of invitation to tender will be sent to them.

8.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Evaluation Criteria:

Order number Criteria Rating





Presentation of the bid

3 pts


Note on the understanding of the mission

10 pts


Organization, methodology, planning

12 pts


Experience of the consulting firm in similar work

10 pts


Experience of experts assigned to the mission

60 pts


List of justified material

5 pts



100 pts

9.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Additional technical information can be obtained during working hours at the Directorate of Development, Physical Plant and Infrastructure of the University of Bamenda. Tel: 679249447 / 698281990.


10.Evaluation et publication des resultats New(Additif)

Only bids including all up-to-date administrative documents, with a technical score of at least 70 points, will be prequalified for the National Restricted Call for Tender which will be launched according to the rules and procedures defined by the texts in force in the Republic of Cameroon and in particular, decree N ° 2018/366 of June 20, 2018 on the Public Contracts Code.


BAMENDA Le 02-03-2019