• Notice of Consultation of Quotation Request
- Point 8: Submission of tenders
Instead of "NB: the Offer must be accompanled by a digital médium containing the digital version of the Quotation Request completed with the Quantitative and Estimated Quotation in Excel format"
Read "NB: the Offer must be accompanied by a digital médium containing the digital version of the completed Order Letter and the Quantitative and Estimated Quotation in Excel format"
- Point 12: Evaluation criteria
Eliminatory criteria
Instead of "the eliminatory criteria will focus on:
- The absence of the bid bond;
- False déclaration or faisified document;
- The absence of a quantified unît price in the "financial offer". "
Read "the eliminatory criteria will focus on:
1-The absence of the bid bond;
2- False déclaration or faisified document;
3-The absence of a quantified unit price in the "financial offer";
4-Any other part of the administrative file not in conformity and not regularized within the forty eight hours granted by the commission. "
The rest of the Request for Quotation remains unchanged.