Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 11-03-2021 à 13:26
Support : Plateforme :
The Lord Mayor of Limbe I Council (Sub — Divisional Council), Contracting Authority of the contract for the Supply and Installation of six (06) Single Corpse Capacity Conservation Facility of a Modem Mortuary at Bota District Hospital in Limbe I Council area fininced by the National Community Driven-Development Program (PNDP) of the Ministry of (Economy, Planning and Regional Development) MINEPAT which is assigned to the Mayor of Limbe I Council hereby declares PREMIERE MEDICAL SARL B.P 3540, DOUALA, TEL: (237) 675 962 444 / 699 981 563 the winner of Tender No 04/RQ/LIMBE 1 COUNCIL/LICITB/2020 of 03/11/2020 for the Supply and Installation of six (06) Single Corpse Capacity Conservation Facility of a Modem Mortuary at Bota Hospital in Limbe I Council area South West Region (by the Restricted Request for Quotation) on the 03/11/2020
Source de financement

The amount of the contract is Twelve Million Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine Thousand Five Hundred (12,789,500) FCFA, exonorated from taxes and the duration for the supply and installation of equipments is seventy five (75) days as from date of signature of the administrative order to do the supply.

The Director or the representative of the said enterprise is by this notice requested to report at the Limbe I Council Chambers upon reception of this document for the preparation and signing of his/her draft contract and therefore, the contract as the case may be.

Unsuccessful bidders are advised to withdraw their bids within a maximum delay of fifteen (15) days with

effect from the date of publication of this notice; failing Wilich th          be destroyed accordingly.

LIMBE Le 19-02-2021