Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 13-04-2021 à 14:39
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SUBJECT:  ANNOUNCEMENT Please kindly cause the following announcement to be read over your radio network programs as many times as possible Bearing on the postponement of bids opening session for: Tender No: 007/RQ/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Supply of 230 benches to some primary schools in Buea (G.S. Bonduma, G.S Great Soppo and G.S. Wonyamavio) Tender No: 008/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Purchase of working materials to fight against COVID 19 within the Buea Municipality. Tender No: 009/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Construction of Women Empowerment Center in Buea Town. Tender No: 010/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Purchase of an official Vehicle for the Mayor Buea Council.
Source de financement

The Lord Mayor of the Buea Council (Contracting Authority), DAVID MAFANI NAMANGE Esq., informs bidders who had acquired Tender Documents and interestcd bidders for the above projects Iaunched by the Buea Council that the bid opening session initially planned for Thursday the 08'hApri1 2021 has been postponed to Thursday the 22thApril 2021.

The venue and time of the bid opening session remain unchanged.

BUEA Le 31-03-2021