The General Manager of Crédit Foncier du Cameroon launches National Invitation to Tender for the supply and installation of a video monitoring system in Bafoussam, Bamenda, Bertoua, Buea, Garoua, Maroua, Ngaoundere and the completion of those installed in Douala and Yaoundé branches,
Works subject of this tender consist of:
Participation to this tender is open to national companies specialized in implementing video and remote monitoring of buildings,
The object of the benefits this tender is financed by the investment budget of CFCs for the year 2016.
The estimated budget of 38 million FCA francs
The Bidding Documents may be consulted during working hours at the Directorate of General Affairs/Department of Patrimony and Archives, 3rd fioor of the building headquarters of CFC door 302 and the website of Crédit Foncier www.creditfoncier,cm, upon publication of this notice.
The tender document can be obtained at the Department of General Affairs, 3rd floor of the building headquarters of CFC door 302, upon publication of this notice, against presentation of a receipt of payment of non-refundable amount of thirty thousand (30,000) CFA francs in CAS-ARMP accounts BICEC branches in all regional headquarters and the towns of Dschang and Limbe.
Each offer drafted in French or English in six (06) copies, one original and five (05) copies marked as such should reach the Department of Patrimony and Archives of CFC, 3rd floor of the building headquarters of CFC door 302, no later than 20 OCT 2016 at 13h 00mn and will be marked:
" To be opened only during bid opening session"
The maximum length of time for execution is two (02) months.
Each bidder shah submit with its bid, a seven hundred thousand (700,000) CFA francs bid bond issued by a first class bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance, with a validity period of one hundred twenty days (120) days of the filing deadline of tenders,
Subject to rejection, ail administrative documents must imperatively be produced in originals or certified copies by the issuing service or administrative authority (SDO DO,., etc), pursuant to the provisions of the Supplementary Regulations of the Call for tenders. They must be dated less than three (03) months or have been established after the signing date of the Tender Notice.
Any bid not meeting the requirements of this notice and the tender file shall be declared inadmissible.
The opening of bids will be done in one (01) shot.
lt will take place 20 OCT 2016 to 2:00 PM prompt by the CFC's Internal Procurement Commission sitting in the meeting room on the 5th floor of the headquarters building, door 502.
Only bidders may attend the opening sessions or be represented by a person of their choice duly authorized.
11. a Eliminatory Criteria
No |
NO |
1 |
False statements or forged documents |
2 |
Absence or non-compliance of a part of the administrative file |
Net satisfaction over 10% to the required minimum specifications |
4 |
Technical Note 4 below 75% points |
5 |
Absence of a site visit certificate |
6 |
Net taking into account the existing infrastructure |
7 |
Nat producing a certificate cf creditworthiness 25 million FCFA |
11.b. Essential criteria
The evaluation of the technical bids will be made according to the essential criteria defined below:
No |
1 |
Overview of the offer |
2 |
Relevance of the methodological note and organization of the mission |
3 |
Qualification and experience of resource staff |
4 |
Bickler's References |
5 |
Relevance of the planning and execution Urne |
6 |
Logistical and material resources |
7 |
After sales service |
NB: Only tenders having obtalned a technical score equal or higher than 75% of YES will be the subject of a financial evaluation.
The selection of service providers will be based on the provisions of Article 33 (a) of the Public Contracts Code.
The bidder whose offer will be technically fit and evaluated the lowest bid.
Tenderers are bound by their offers for a period of ninety (90) days from the deadline for the submission of tenders.
Addendum to the tender:
The Project Owner reserves the right in case of need, to make any subsequent changes deemed useful in this tender.
Further information may be obtained during working hours at the Department of General Affairs. 3rd floor, 302 door of the building headquarters of CFC, Iocated at Boulevard du 20 May in Yaoundé, PO Box 1531, Tel: 222 23 02 31: Fax: 222 23 52 21 at least 14 days prior to the date of reception of bids.,