Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 15-03-2019 à 11:39
Support : Plateforme :
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

Within the framework of the Pubk Investrnent BUDGET 2019, the Senior Detistonal Officer fo, Manyu, Contracting Authority hereby launches en OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER FOR THE REHAB1LITATION AND EXTENSION OF THE DIVISIONAL DELEGATION OF WATER RESOURCES AND ENERGY, Manyu Ciiision, South West Region as lollows

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The works which are the object or the present Tender Notice include ail the works stiputatcd in colt estirnates and en conforrnity with the technIcal description.

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

These proects shall be financed by the relevant credit allocation in the PIB 2019 of the RepubIC of Cameroun a5 per the imoLtation:

         The rehabitation and extension of the divisional delegation of water resources  and energy.             53 32 424 05 451920 2220 811  20 324 000 F  CFA

4.Participation et origine New(Additif)

The tender is open to duly legalized Cameroonian enterphses that futfil the requirements of INVITATION TO TENDER

5.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender file can be  consulted and obtained as from the date of publication of this invitation  to tender at senior Divisional Officice Mamfe , the Divisional Delegation  Public Contracts and ARMP BUEA.


The may be cosulted during working hours at the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts Manyu as soon as this notice published.

6.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The file  may be obtained from the Senior  Divisional  Office Mamfe, Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts Manyu and ARMP BUEA (Finance Building Don, s 31 and 37) aS  soon as this notice is Oublished agalnst payment of the sum of Forty thousanc (40,000) CFA francs, payable at the Div:sional Treasury Mamfe (before two days to the date of operting of bid) Mamfe  for a non -fundab'e fee representing the cost of the tender

7.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Each bld drafted ln English or French in five (05) copies inciuding one original and four (04) copies marked as such, Should be Submiitted agalnst receipt to Senior Divis:on& Office Marre (ContractIng Authority) not later than02/01412019 09.00 am and shoutd carry the inscription:

8.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)
  1. 8.    Delivery Deadiine The maximum Execution deacifine provided for by the Contracting Authority shah be three (03) months
9.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each bdder must Include  in his Administrative documents, a bld bond issued by a first-rate banking establishment approved by the Ministry in charge or finance and whose list is round document No.12 of the tender fie, of an amount of four hundred and six thousand four hundred and elghty (406 480) CFA francs per bid/tender file  period of ninety (90) days from the date of opering.

On pain of being rejected, only originals  or true copies  certified  by the issuing service or  administrative authorities must Inperatively be produced In acccedance with the Special Regulauons of the invitation to tender. They must obligator-Ay be not aider than three (3) months preceding the date of submission of offers or may be estabished alter the signature cf trie tender notice. Any offer net in conforrnity with the prescriptions or this notice and tender fie shail De declared inadmissible. Especialiy the absence of a bld bond issucd by a first-rate bank approved by the Minister in charge of Finance or the non respect of the models e the tender file documents shah tead te a pure and sirnp:e rejecton of the offer.

10.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Each bld drafted ln English or French in five (05) copies inciuding one original and four (04) copies marked as such, Should be Submiitted agalnst receipt to Senior Divis:on& Office Marre (ContractIng Authority) not later than02/01412019 09.00 am and shoutd carry the inscription:

11.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)
  1.     The offers shall be opened in single phase, The opening of Administrative Offers (Envelope A) and Financial Offers (Envelope C) on 03/4/2019 at 10 am local  Ume by the Manyu Chvisional Tenders Board situated at the Conference Hall of  MINEPAT Manyu.
12.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

-False dectaration or forged documents;

- There ts insufficiency ln the Number of Copies as specified on the Tender File

A bdcler;

The technical  offer must have at leaiSt 70% of the total scores Bids not registered In the bickler's register

- Any bldder tedth penchng Job ro, the previout yeers without formai Jur. eica'

- Omission of at least one un t price, at least one item in cletatl estmates and.,

orleast one sub- detail price;

Main qualification criterla

The cnteria relating to the qualification of cand.dates could indicatively be on the folle/ring

- Turnover of at least fifteen million (15 000 000)                                                               Yes/No

Acceçs to a credit or Cher financial resources                                                                     Yes/No

FxPendlture schedule or altier contracts under execution                                                 Yes/No

  • Contractor's referenCeS                                                                                                        Yes/No
  • Availability of matenal and essentiai eguiprnerit                                                                Yrt/No

Experience or supervtsory staff                                                                                             Yes/No
The non respect of two (02) crIter,a shall cause the elimination of the offer.

13.Attribution New(Additif)

The contact shah be awarcled to the lowest bidder who satisfies the Administratrve and Technical dispositions

14.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

Bidders will remain commltted to their offers for ninety their otfeis f(90) days from the deadine set for
the submission of tenders.

15.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Complementary technirat information may be obtained during work hours hours from the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts for Manyu, situated at finance building (TEL

MAMFE Le 13-03-2019
OUM II Joseph