On The Minister of Public Health's behalf, Foreman, The Public Contracts' Regional Delegate for The Far North Region, Contracting Authority, launches an Open National Invitation to Tender for building works of an integrated health centre in THIOU on the behalf of the Mayor KALFOU of Mayo Danay Division far North Region. This Invitation to Tender consists of two concems.
The allowances involve the following tasks inter alia:
Preparatory works;
Inclination masonry;
Roofing framework;
Metal fittings;
Sanitary plumbing;
Surface coating;
Road maintenance and diverse Networks.
As far as works are concemed, an estimated amount of fifty million (50,000,000) CFA F is allocated for each contract by the general staffing decentralization of the Fiscal Year 2016.
The involvement in this invitation to tender is open with equal conditions to Cameroon-Law related firms and companies experienced in Building and Civil Engineering.
By this invitation to tender, interested companies are called upon to provide authentic information which will be useful for the choice of those that can meet the needs of the required service after a deep and objective appraisal of their application files
As far as works are concemed, an estimated amount of fifty million (50,000,000) CFA F is allocated for each contract by the general staffing decentralization of the Fiscal Year 2016.
The tender file may be consulted upon publication of this notification, during working hours, at The Regional Delegation of the Public Contracts for the Far North in Maroua, precisely at The Tenders unit located beside the Sub-Divisional office of Maroua (second floor of the mini show quarter of Domayo), Tel / Fax : 222 29 31 78.
The tender file may be acquired at the Tenders Unit located beside the Sub-Divisional office of Maroua 1er (second floor of the mini show quarter of Domayo), Tel/Fax : 222 29 31 78 , upon publication of this invitation to tender and submission of a receipt attesting to the payment of a non-refundable sum of CFA F Fifty thousand (50, 000) into the Maroua Finance Collectorship . This amount represents the file's fee purchase.
Seven copies of each tender application written either in English or in French; viz one (01) original document and six (06) copies labeled as such, in accordance with the invitation to tender should be submitted in a sealed envelope against a receipt at the Regional Delegation of the Far North Region at comice, Maroua (Domayo), Tenders Unit, located beside the Sub-Divisional office of Maroua 1er (second floor of the mini show quarter of Domayo) by 18 th octobre 2016 at 9.00 am (local time). Tel/ Fax: 222 293 178. They should bear the following:
The execution deadline sets by the Project Owner is five (5) months. This period includes the Rainy seasons, weather and some other factors with effect from the day of Works' notification; signing's date of the contract.
Each applicant will include in his administrative file a deposit (in compliance with the model attached) issued by a first- class banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance and which the list features in Document 12 of the tender file, and valid for thirty (30) days with effect from the tender- validity deadline. The deposit's amount standsat one million (1,000,000) CFA F.
Each applicant will include in his administrative file a deposit (in compliance with the model attached) issued by a first- class banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance and which the list features in Document 12 of the tender file, and valid for thirty (30) days with effect from the tender- validity deadline. The deposit's amount standsat one million (1,000,000) CFA F. Least they be rejected, should compulsory be submitted only the originals and copies of the other required administrative documents (valid) certifïed by either the issuing service or an admimstrative authority in keeping with the requirements ofthe special tender regulation. They must dated less than three (3) months and valid on the day of the tender disclosure.
Tenders disclosure will be done in one stage on 18th october 2016 at 10.00 am prompt at the meeting Hall ofthe Régional Delegation ofthe FarNorth Région in the presence of the applicants. Only them may attend the opening session or have themselves represented by aduly person of their choice (even in case of joint venture) having asound knowledge of their file.
Tender evaluation will be done in three (3) stages:
First stage: Verification ofthe administrative file regularity.
Second stage: Technical appraisal ofthe administrative tender attested as regular.
Third stage: Verification of the fmancial offer of those companies whose the tender files have been previousiy admitted as far as technical and administrative stages are concerned.
The tenders evaluation criteria are the followings:
Eliminatnry criteria
Administrative documents
Incomplete or non-compliantadministrative file
False declaration or forged document
Technical proposal
Incomplete or non-compliantfile
False declarationor forged document
The turnover of at least fifty millions (50,000.000) CFA Ffor the last three (3) years in Building and Public Works sector.
Failure to show proof as the principal foreman of a building site, in buildings' construction over the last three (3)years.
Absence in the technical proposai of a column indicating the organization, planning and understanding ofthe project.
Failure to score at least twenty-two (22) essentîal criteria over thirty-one (31).
Financial offer
Incomplete financial tender
Non-compliant file c)Omission ofa quantified unit price ffom theprice schedule
Absence ofprices sub-detail
Essential criteria
Assessment of the technical proposai will be carried out on the basis of thirty-fîve (31) main criteria shared as follows:
Presentation based on four (4) criteria;
The company's training personnel based on four (4)criteria;
The availability of the required equipment based on seven (7) criteria;
Work planning based on twelve (12) criteria;
The company's prefinancial references and abilities based on four (4)criteria.
The Regional Delegate for the Public Contracts of the Far North Region, Contracting Authority grants the contract to the applicant whose file, technically skilled, assessed appealing with the lowest bid deemed to be and substantially in accordance with the tender file.
Applicants willbe bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days with effect firom the tender-submission deadline
Some technical information may be obtained during working hours either at the Public Contracts Regional Delegation of the Far North Region located beside the Sub Divisional office of Maroua 1er (second floor of the mini show quarter of Domayo) Tel/Fax:222 29 31 78 or at The Régional Délégation of Public health at Maroua.