The Administrative Director of the North West Livestock Development Fund (CDENO), Contracting Authority hereby informs the general public that the following enterprise has been retained for the award of the contracta which was launched following Open National Invitation to Tender N°003/ONIT/CDENO/ITB/2017 of13/4/2017 for the construction of one permanent cattle crush in Echaun, Wum in Menchum Division:
N° |
Project title |
Locality |
Enterprise Selected |
Amount Tax Inclusive (TTC) |
Duration of Execution |
1 |
Open National Invitation to Tender n°. 003 /ON1T / CDENO/ITB/20I7 of 13/4/2017 For the construction of one permanent cattle crush |
Echaun, Wum in Menchum Division |
7,995,713 |
3 Months |
The Enterprise whose offer was not retained is requested to collect the document from CDENO within fifteen (15) days following this publication. Failure to do so after the fifteen days, the documents will be destroyed without any further notice