Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 28-05-2021 à 10:39
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PRESS RELEASE N° 003/SOWEDA/2021 Related to Tender N° 002/21/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GoC/2021 of 18/03/2021 for the Recruitment of a Consultancv Firm fo Audit the 2020 Accounts and Financial Statements of SOWEDA. Publication of Result The Director General of the South West Development Authority (SOWEDA) hereby informs those who submitted bids in response to the above Tender that the Jobbing Order has been awarded as follows: Subject ofJobbing Order Winner Jobbing Order Price FCFA TTC Duration of Jobbing Order Audit of 2020 Accounts and Finàncial Statements of SOWEDA ARC AUDIT & CONSULTING B.P. 6297 Yaoundc . 5,394,870 02 Months   The other bidders were eliminated for the following reasons: Bidders Rcason for Elimination Final Score (Technical+Financial) MAZARS B.P. 3791, Douala Second best offer 95.79% HLB ACP CENTRAL AFRICA B.P. 5701, Douala                             • Th ird best offer 62.42% KPMG B.P. 5563, Douala Technical Score below 70%. - MAXI-FORMATION B.P 6284, Douala Falsification of documents - DELOITTE B.P. 5393, Douala Absence of Attestation of Non­abandonment of Public Contracts   PWC B.P. 5689, Douala Absence of Bid Bond ‑    
Source de financement



The successful bidder is hereb invited to immediately report to the SOWEDA Head Office in Buea in view of subscribing and signing the Jobbing Order. Meanwhile, the other bidders are requested to report at the Secretariat of the Department of Administration and Finance and withdraw their bids within 15

BUEA Le 30-04-2021