In view of the execution of the public Investment budget for the financial year 2019, the Mayor of Santa council hereby invites tenders for the CONSTRUCTION OF TWO(2) COMMUNITY HALLS IN SANTA COUNCIL, IN NGALI-PINYIN VILLAGE LOT (1) AND ACOMMUNITY HALL IN BABA IIVILLAGE LOT (2).
The estimated cost is 20 000 000 (twenty thousand) francs CFA
Nature of the project
The aim of the project for 2019 is to come out with:
Lot 1: Construction of two (2) lots community halls in Santa Council in Ngali-Pinyin village
Lot 2: Construction of a community hall in Baba II
Participation shall be open to all registered Cameroonian contractors. However, candidates must have proof of adequate knowledge and experience in the domain of construction.
The studies subject of this invitation to tender shall be funded by the 2019 Public Investment Budget of The Republic of Cameroon.
The file may be consulted during working hours at the Santa Council upon publication of this notice from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.
The tender document can be obtained from the Santa Council upon Publication of this notice, and on presentation of o treasury receipt of the sum of 40 000 (Forty thousand) Francs CFA non-refundable.
Each tender written in English or in French in six (06) copies, (1 original,5 copies) and marked as such, shall reach the Santa Council, latest and shall bear the inscription:
N° 010/ONIT/SC/SCITB/2019 OF 26/03 /2019
"To be opened only during the bid opening session".
The time limit provided by the Contracting Authority to accomplishment of the works shall be three (03) months.
Each tender shall include in the administrative file a caution of 400.000 (four Hundred Thousand) Francs CFA.
Subject to rejection, all administrative documents required shall imperatively be original or certified true copies by the issuing service, in conformity with the list provided in the special-Regulation of the invitation to tender. They must be less than three months old.
Any tender that shall not conform to the instructions in this tender notice shall be rejected: especially the absence of the tender caution issued by a first class bank authorized by the Ministry of Finance or the non-respect of the model of tender documents shall be a rejection of the tender without any appeal.
Subject to rejection, all administrative documents required shall imperatively be original or certified true copies by the issuing service, in conformity with the list provided in the special-Regulation of the invitation to tender. They must be less than three months old.
Any tender that shall not conform to the instructions in this tender notice shall be rejected: especially the absence of the tender caution issued by a first class bank authorized by the Ministry of Finance or the non-respect of the model of tender documents shall be a rejection of the tender without any appeal.
Tenders shall be open in one stage:
a. Envelope A containing administrative documents, envelope B containing technical document and envelop C containing financial offers shall be open on the 17/04/2019 at 10 am local time by the Santa Council Tenders Board in the conference hall of the Santa Council.
b. Bidders may attend this session or each, have themselves represented by one duly mandated person of their choice with sound knowledge of their file.
c. Each tender or joint-venture shall be represented only by one person.
1- Elimination criteria
-Non-compliance of Administrative documents.
-False declaration or false documents.
- Technical score below 70 on 100 for enterprises having more than Two (2) years and 55 on 100 for new enterprises after justification (Attestation for Business Exoneration)
- Incomplete technical or financial file
-Absence of any administrative documents in the tender file.
2 -Main criteria
The evaluation will be based on pre-defined criteria, which will be scored on a total of 100 points. These criteria are presented according to headings:
a) General presentation…………………………………………05 points
b) Personnel of the enterprise……………………………. 25 points
c) Logistics and equipment of the enterprise…………10 points
d) Professional experience of the enterpris……. 10 points
e) Method of execution of the studies…………... 25 points
f) Planning of execution of the studies……………. 05 points
g) Capacity to pre-finance the activities with relevant proof.20 pts
Bidders shall be committed by their tenders for 90 days with effect from the deadline fixed for submission to tenders.
Additional technical information may be obtained during Working hours at the Mayors Secretariat at Santa council.