Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 23-05-2018
à 11:23
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Subject: ADDENDUM FOR CONTRACTS LAUNCHED.Within the framework of the convention for co-financing of micro projects in Elak Oku Council area by PNDP and Elak Oku Council, 02 projects were launched through Request for Quotation in ElakCouncil by the Internal Tenders Board. Following the indication from some contractors shortlisted, of their unwillingness to tender for the projects due to their financial situation and request from all thebidders for additional time due to the numerous ghost towns depriving them from the necessary facilities, make it impossible to have the required number of bidders (3 per lot) as the per prescriptions before opening can be proceeded. I hereby this addendum reschedule the date for bid opening session by the Internal Tenders Board as follows:1) THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 5M SPAN BRIDGE LINKING MBOCKENGHAS AND SIMONKOH AND INSTALLATION OF A (|)1000 RING CULVERT AT SIMONKOH IN ELAK MUNICIPALITY, that was supposed to be opened on the 23RD of May 2018 at 10:30 am, shall now be opened on Wednesday the 30th of May 2018 at 10:30 prompt, everything being equal;2) CONSTRUCTION AND EXTENSION OF THE TANKIY GRAVITY WATER SUPPLY SCHEME WITH 12 STAND TAPS IN ELAK OKU MUNICIPALITY, that was supposed to be opened on the 23rd of May 2018, shall now be opened on Wednesday the 30th of May 2018 at 10:30 prompt, everything being equal.All the potential bidders should treat this as a matter of urgency.