Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 02-04-2019 à 10:57
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Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

Within the frame work of the 2019 Public Investment Budget (PIE), the Mayor for Wum Council Contracting Authority" hereby launches an Open National Invitation to Tender for the for the equipping of Infrastructure In the Volcatlonal Technical College SAR/ SM Wum This Invitation to Tender comprises one (01) lot

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

The services of this contract include the supply of:

Lot N'




Equipping of Infrastructure in the Volcotional Technical College

MutI purpose planning machine, BOSCH Grinder Machine, BOSCH GBH 2-26 professional Impact drill. Turning machine minimax or invlnclblle (for carvings), Frames of  hack saws BAHCO, Varity of saws for workshop octivtles, Varelty of planes, Nail bar 40cm, Nail bar 70cm, Nail bar 100cm, Varity of hammers 300gr, 400gr, 500gr, Single muti purpose zig zag machine, Emele weaving machine, Emele feather weight c240 sewing machine, Single Butterfly straight sewing machine. Philips comfort 470 Irion for dresses, YOVA YV024 Electrical Iron, IRDP-1 20 Dry Ironwith soray, Planche table a repasser. Variety of professional scissors, Culsinlere WESCOOK 5 bruleurs, Cuislnlere WESCOOK F6L 40G260cmx 60cm, Refrlgerateur ICEBERG 140L, Refrigerateur ICEBERG 197L, Samsung ceramic micro wave TDS, Blender moulinex1.51 2Bowls 400W, Machine a ecraser a la main molina victoria, Casseroles Aluminium Alubassa 24cm (Splece),
Casseroles Faltout Alubassa coquelle coloree 26cm {3 piece), Casseroles Faltout Alubassa conlque No 38, Casseroles Domi 20cm, Poele grille elegance Tefal 26cm, Royal food poele Tefoi 36cm, Assiettes corre creuse 30cmx30cm, Cullliere a soupe SMARTCOOK (6 pieces), Cullliere o cafe INOX, Couteau a legume SMARTCOOK, Couteau a vlande SMARTCOOK, Couteau a pain SMARTCOOK, Glacier 40L DAY DAY, Glacier 301 DAY DAY, Gobelet INOX 555, Moule a cake Tafal  26cm (3pleces), Moule a cake Tafal 28cm (3pieces), Moule a cake Tafal Charlotte 18cm {3pieces), Concrete vibrator. Concrete mixer. Power dumper, Cement block mold 10/30, Cement block mold 15/30, Spades (elephant), Pix axes. Wheel barrows. Trowels.

3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)


4.Allotissement New(Additif)


5.Participation et origine New(Additif)

Participation to this invitation to tender is open to Cameroonian enterprises that are in compliance with the fiscal laws and having a good experience in the domain concerned.

6.Financement New(Additif)

These projects will be financed by the Cameroon Public Investment Budget (PIB) for 2019 with budget Heads No 53 35 453 02 641662 270 821

7.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

Interested eligible bidders may obtain further Information during working hours as from the date of publication of this Tender Notice, at the Wum council Tel: 679746408

8.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The file may be obtained in the Wum Council, In the Service In charge of Award of Public Contracts, Telephone N° 679746408 as soon as this notice Is published against payment of a nonrefundable sum of (50 000) Fifty thousand CFA francs, payable Into the Municipal Treasury of Wum Council representing the cost of purchasing the Tender File.

9.Remises des offres New(Additif)


21/04/2019 at local time

10.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The maximum execution deadline provided for by the Contracting Authority shall be Thirty (30) days maximum, as from the date of Notification of the Service Order.

11.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each bidder should include in his administrative document, a Bid Bond of FCFA 500 000 (Five hundred thousand CFA francs) Issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance In conformity with COBAC conditions.
Against the risk of being rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or administrative authorities of the Administrative Document required, Including the Bid Bond, must
Imperatively be produced In accordance with the Special Conditions of the Invitation to Tender. They must obligatorily not be older than three (03) months or must not be produced after the signing of the tender file.
Any offer not In conformity with the prescriptions of this Notice and Tender file shall not be accepted, especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank, approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance, or the non-respect of the model of the Tender File documents, shall lead to a pure and simple rejection of the offer without any appeal being entertained

12.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Each bidder should include in his administrative document, a Bid Bond of FCFA 500 000 (Five hundred thousand CFA francs) Issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance
In conformity with COBAC conditions.
Against the risk of being rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or administrative authorities of the Administrative Document required, Including the Bid Bond, must
Imperatively be produced In accordance with the Special Conditions of the Invitation to Tender. They must obligatorily not be older than three (03) months or must not be produced after the signing of the tender file.
Any offer not In conformity with the prescriptions of this Notice and Tender file shall not be accepted, especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank, approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance, or the non-respect of the model of the Tender File documents, shall lead to a pure and simple rejection of the offer without any appeal being entertained

13.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)


21/04/2019 at local time

14.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

Main evaluation criteria
The bids shall be evaluated according to the main criteria as follows:
A. Eliminatorv criteria
1- Absence or non-conformity of an element in the administrative file;
2- Non conformity of Technical Specifications (include catalogue);
3- Deadline for delivery higher than prescribed;
4- False declaration or falsified documents;
5- Absence or insufficient Bid Bond;
6- A bid with the external envelopecarrying a sign or mark leading to the identification of the bidder.
B. Essential criteria

The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates could indlcatively be onthe following;
1- General presentation of the Offer;
2- References of the company in the similar achievements;
3- Logistics.
4- The Pre —Financing capacity greater or equal to the amount required in the offer;
5- Certificate of guarantee delivered by the supplier;
6- The Special Technical Clauses initialed in each page;
7- Special Administrative Clauses completed and Initialed in each page;
8- Attestation of Site Visit signed by the contractor or his representative
9- Report of site visit signed by the company Director or his representative
 Main Qualification criteria
The criteria relating to the qualification of candidates could be Indicative on the following:
The essential criteria are subjected to minima whose detail is given in the Special Tender Regulation (RPAO).
This evaluation will be done in a purely positive way (yes) or negative (no) with an acceptable minimum from at least 70% of the essential criteria taken in account.
The contract will be awarded to the bidder who would have proposed the offer with the lowest amount, in conformity with the regulations ofthe Tender Documents and having satisfied to 100% of the
eliminatory criteria and at least 70% of the essential criteria.

15.Attribution New(Additif)


16.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

The bidders shall remain committed to their bid for 60 days from the deadline of the submission of bids.

17.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Complementary technical Information may be obtained during working hours from the Wum Council, Service of Public Contracts

WUM Le 25-03-2019