As part of the implementation of the Budget of the council, fiscal 2016, the Mayor of the Council of Douala 5, building owner, blanches a listing application for the acquisition of a niveleuse
The service to be provided by this contract include the supply of one engine of public works cal! as niveleuse to Douala v counci
The estimated cost of the f;ollowing prier studies stands a:
lot | Amount in CFA Franc |
LOT | 245 000 000 |
The supplies shall be divided into two a unique lot defined as follows:
- 01 (one) niveleuse
The participation in this call for tender is for Cameroonian companies and have proven expertise in the field of providing defined, in order with current regulations and with the administrative capacity, technical and financial requirements.
Participation of enterprises as joint-venture or subcontractors is admissible in accordance with the regulations in force
Objects benefit of this consultation request will be financed by the Budget of the council of Douala 5, under the 2016 exercise, Imputation: 222 100.
The files are available on publication of this notice, during business hours from the Général Secretariat Services of the City of Douala 5 located at headquarters in Bonamoussadi; BP: 10171 Douala; Phone: 698 65 38 53/677 65 06 53
The tender documents may be obtained from publication of this notice during working hours with the Mayor of Général Secretariat Services of Douala 5 located at headquarters in Bonamoussadi BP: 10171 Phone: 698 65 38 53/677 65 06 53, against presentation of a receipt for payment of a nonrefundab1e surf of: 200 000 CFA. (two hundred thousand CFA francs), payable te the Municipal Recipe allie Mayor of Douala 5th.
Each offer drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies, one original and six (06) copies labeled as such, must be received by the Mayor of Douala Services Techniques 5 sealed envelope
no later than 02 November 2016 T0 12 O'clock to accurate and should be marked:
N ° 20 / ONIT / CIPM / CAD5 / 2016 OF 03/10/2016 FOR THE
" To be opened only counting session "
The maximum execution deadline provided for by the contracting authority shall be sixty (60) days
Under risk of being rejected, each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by first rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of finance featuring on the list of document 11 of the tender file:
LOTS | Cautions en FCFA |
4 900 000 |
and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of the validity of the offers.
11.1 subject to being rejected ,the administrative documents required must be produce in originals ands copies certified by the issuing service or and administrative authority(senior divisional officer, divisional officer...) in accordance with the special conditions of the invitation to tender.
• |
10 |
These documents must necessarily be dated lcss than three months before the date for submission of bids or have been established after the signing date of the listing application.
Any incomplete tender dossier in accordance with the requirements of the request shah be declared inadmissible. Including the absence of the bid bond issued by a first class bank approved by the Ministry of Finance or the non-respect of models of parts of the Bidding Documents, cause the outright rejection of the provides no recourse.
This bids shah be opened in single phase
The opening of administrative documents, technical and financial offers will be 02 Novembre 2016 at 13 O'oclock hours by the Commission Public Procurement Internai te the District Municipality of the City of Douala 5 in the hall of the Municipality of the GeneralSecretary;
The tenderers or their duly authorized representative and having perfect knowledge of the case may attend the opening session.
Any incomplete tender dossier in accordance with the requirements of the request shah be declared inadmissible.
The absence or noncompliance of a part of the administrative record will cause the outright rejection of the offer as well as the non respect of models of parts of the tender documents.
The evaluation of offers must first be done according to the eliminatory criteria, and then, by the main Qualification conditions as laid via binary system of (Yes/No).
1. Eliminatory criteria
2. Essential criteria
The evaluation of technical offers shah be based on the main qualification criteria summarily stated here-in-after with more details in the tender file
1-- Bidder's general references in this field.
2 — Conformity of supply as to technical specification
3 — Financial capacity
4 — After-sale service
5 — Technical proposai
6 — Presentation of bid;
7 — Disponibility of maintenance piecess
8 — guaranty
The non-respect of fast six (06) criteria should cause the elimination of offer. Each criteria should be valided following satisfaction of a minimum of 70% its conditions and 75% of the subconditions
At the end of different evaluations award of the contract shall be granted the tender presenting offer in conformity, administratively, technically, and financially qualified as the lowest offer will be retained
Tenderers are bound by their tenders for 90 (ninety) days from the deadline for the submission of tenders.
Further information may be obtained during business hours from the General Secretary or the Technical Department of the Municipality of Douala 5; BP 10171 Douala, Tel: 233 22 70 94 / 699 33 00 59