The Director General of SOWEDA hereby invites suppliers of security services to indicate their interest in providing security services to SOWEDA Installations during the 2020 financial year.
for the Pre-Qualification of Firms to Supply Security Guard Services to SOWEDA during the 2020 Financial Year.
The nature of this agreement shall consist of the supply of round-the-clock security guards services at the following SOWEDA installations:
ii. SOWEDA Head Office Premises situated at Up-Station Roundabout, Buea adjacent to BICEC Bank. The Premises comprise an enclosed complex xvith the following
• Block A — SOWEDA Administrative Block
Block B — Livestock and Fisheries Development Project • Block C — AIVDP Project
• Block D — SOWEDA Technical Services
• Block E — Archives and Documentation Centre
vii. SOWEDA Seed Multiplication Centre situated at Obang, Mamfe;
The security guards shall be expected to keep records of movement of persons and property in and offi of all the premises and which records may be verified at any lime by SOWEDA. They shall report all suspicious actions perpetrated by persons, %vhether or not they are serving at SOWEDA. Actions of drivers or mechanics who swap fuel, lubricants or spares from one vehicle or equipment to another must be reported to SOWEDA.
The number of security guards shall be 25 and distributed as follows:
Obang Seed Multiplication Centre: 01 at day and 02 at night = 03
The guards shah work every day, without exception. They shah be deployed so as to work round the clock botte at night and day.
Participation in this expression of interest is open to ail Cameroonian based consultancy firms with sufficient technical competence and national experience in the provision of the services mentioned above.
The services which are the subject of the Invitation to Tender that shah be launched subsequent to this Rcqucst for Expression of lnterest shah be financed under the 2020 Budget of SOWEDA.
The opening and evaluation of application files in view of pre-qualifying the consultancy firms shah be carricd out at SOWEDA, Buea.
Each Expression of Interest should consist of an Administrative File and a Technical Proposai sealed in scparate envelopes, written in English or in French and submitted in five (05) copies each, of which one (01) original and four (04) copies,.
Ail Expressions of Interest should be submitted at the Secretariat of the Director of Administration and Finance of SOWEDA. P.O. Box 336 Buea, South West Region on or before 30'1' August 2019 at 12:00 p.m. prompt.
The file shah be contained in a single and sealed envelope addressed to the Director General of SOWEDA, P.O. Box 336 Buea bearing the inscription:
"Request for Expression of lnterest N° 002/REI/SOWEDA/GOC/10 of 16/08/2019 for the Pre-Qualification of Firms to Suppl), Security Girard Services to SOWEDA durhig the 2020 Financial Year‑
Administrative documents which should net more than duce (3) months old and valid for the 2019 financial vear include uncertified photocopies of:
7. Technical Proposai
The technical documents must include:
a) Brief presentation of the firm
A statement of capability and experience indicating that they are qualified to perform the services required. This should be supported by brochures, attestation/evidence and description of experience in similar assignments accoinplished and duly received, availability of appropriate skills among staff etc. Signed CVs and copies of certificates of staff must be includcd
The selected firm should be:
- Highly experienced in the provision of security guard services - Show previous record of similar assignments.
9. Eliminatory Criteria
Indicative Selection Criteria
The consultants shah' be pre-selected on the basic
- Experience, especially in similar assignmcnts (40/100)
The caliber of human resources in relation to this assignment (25/100) The quality of-equipment and logistics disposed by the firm (25/100) General presentation of bids (10/100).
Only consultants %vho would have scored at least 70 points on 100 shah be
Adclitional information notably on the presentation of SOWEDA and the evaluation criteria may be obtained at the Office of the SOWEDA Department of Administration and Finance, Tel: 233-32-26-22 or 233-32-2$-05;
Selected firms shah be invited Io participate in the restricted national tender for the recruitment of the consultancy firm to carry out the activity that is subject of this call for expression of interest