Within the framework of PIB 2019 and considering the necessity to improve on hygiene, sanitation and health conditions of the population Ngunabum village, the Mayor of the Fonflika Council, representing the government of Cameroon, hereby launches an OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER (BY THE EMERGENCY PROCEDURE) FOR THE EXTENSION OF POTABLE WATER FROM KONENE VILLAGE TO NGUNABUM MILAGE.
The works comprise thepreliminary studiescarried out and thedeiailcd infomiation provided in the technical specification and the quantitative estimates FOR THE EXTENSION OF POTABLE WATER FROMKONENE VILLAGE TO NGUNABUM VILLAGE
The eslimaied cost after preliminary studies of the project is 8,000,000 FCFA (Eight Million Francs)
The works are in a single Lot.
Participation in this invitation to tender is opened to duly legalized Canieroonian based Companies that fulfil the requirements of this invitation to tender and exercising in the domain of public works who are categorised as per the 2018 public contract code and has fulfilled their fiscal obligations in accordance with the 2019 finance law.
NB; home based companies are ofadvantage, encouraged to tender
The Supplies works which form the subject of this invitation to lender, shall be financed by Public Investment Budget 2019 financial year, budget HEAD 27, PROGRAMME 351, ACTION 01, PARAGRAPH 2246-11, CODE 2004; MINISTRY OF DECENTRALISATION AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT
The file may be consulted during working hours at the Fonfuka Council Main Office (General Secretariat, Door No.210, telephone: 6 77 32 72 36 or 675 32 21 75) as soon as this notice is published
The file may be obtained from the Fonfuka Council Main Office (General Secretariat, Door No.210, telephone: 675 32 21 75) as soon as this notice is published against payment of a non refundable sum of 15,000 CFA Francs (Fifteen Thousand Francs), payable at The Fonfuka Council Municipal Treasury.
Each bid drafted in English or French in Seven (7) copies including the original and Six (6) copies marked as such, should reach the FONFUKA COUNCIL INTERNAL TENDERS BOARD Secretariat not later than 24 JUIL 2019 at 11:00a.m. and should carry the inscription;
Envelop A: Administrative Documents;
- Envelop B: Technical Offer;
- Envelop C: Financial Offer.
- These three (03) envelopes containing the bids will be put in a fourth one (Kaki colour) which shall be scaled and labelled imperatively as follows:
NB: The fourth envelop shall not bear any identification mark of the bidder or any compromising sign/indication of the enterprise.
The fourth envelop should be a plane type and carrying no trademark
The maximum deadline provided by the Project Owner or Mayor of Fonfuka Council, Contracting Authority for the execution of the works forming thesubject of this invitation to tender is Three (03) Months as from tlie date of issuance of service note to start works.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first-rate banking establishment approved by the Ministry in charge of linanee and recognized by COBAC (Commission Bancaire pour I'Afrique Centrale) whose list is found in document No. 12, of the Tender File, ofan amount of 200,000 FCFA (Two Hundred Thousand Francs) per Lot. It is set at 2% of the estimated amount, all taxes inclusive, of the contract in accordance with the Order in force (Prime Ministerial Order No. 093/CAB/PM of 5/11/2002). The bid bond shall be addressed to the Contracting Authority and following the conditions of the invitation to tender and shall be valid for thirty (30) days beyond the date of validity of bids.
Under penalty of being rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or administrative authorities (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officers) must imperatively be produced in accordance with the Special Regulations ofthe invitation to tender.
They must obligatorily be not older than three (3) months preceding the date ofsubmission of bids or may be established after the signature of the tender notice.
Any bid not incompliance with the prescriptions of the Tender File shall be declared inadmissible.
This refers especially to the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Minister in charge of Finance
There are two types of evaluation criteria:eliminatory and essential criteria.
i. Eliminatory criteria The non-respect ofthese criteria leads to the rejection ofthe bid made by the bidder.
Theyrefer especially to:
♦ Absence of bid bond or false bid bond (amount ofthe bid bond)
♦ False declaration or forged document
♦ Non-compliance with major technical specifications (to be listed)
♦ Non-respect of X essential criteria (X being greater than orequal to I)
♦ Absence of quantified unit price)
♦ Non-compliance with the model bid.
♦ Absenceof attestation of site visit signedby the Contractor or Representative
♦ Antecedent of bad execution of similar work or on-going legal suit with Government;
NB: Only financial offers of bidders whose technical offers has scored 70% (points) and/or above shall beforwarded tothesubcommittee ofevaluation of bids
ii.Essential criteria
Indicatively, the criteria related to the qualification of candidates will be on:
-Methodology; Methodological approach and relevance ofproposed solutions; |
Yes/No |
-Experience; References of the bidder (experience ofat least two (02) years in similar works)(attacli proof |
Yes/No |
-Equipment; Availability ofmaterial and essential equipment (attach proof) |
Yes/No |
- Personnel; Experience of key supervisory staff (at least Civil/Rural Senior technician with 5 years' experience or Civil/Rural Engineer with three (03) years of experience. Proof with duly signed CVs |
Yes/No |
- Financial situation; Turnover, Financial capacity, Access to credit or other financial sources to the tune of 10,000,000 FCFA (Ten Million Francs); |
Yes/No |
- Planning of works; Deadline of execution. Proof with GANTT and PERT planning |
Yes/No |
- Presentation of offer; packaging, binding, clear copies etc. |
Yes/No |
NB: The non-compliance with any two (02) criteria out of the Seven (07) above may cause the elimination of the bid.
The contract shall be award to the bidder whose bid fulfils the technical and financial criteria and is deemed to be the lowes
Bidders will remain committed to their bids for 90 Days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
Complementary technical infonnation may be obtained during working hours from Fonfuka Council Office {General Secretariat, or Technical service, Door No,210, telephone: 6 77 32 72 36 or 675 32 21 75)