In line with the execution of the C2D 'Regional Capitals 2" program, the State of Cameroon through the Government [Delegate to the Bamenda City Council wishes to launch the OPEN NATIONAL INVITATlON TO TENDER N°002/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2019 of 08/08/2019 for the construction of THIRTEEN (13) PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES in Bamenda in five (5) lots under the emergency procedure.
The works subject of this contract includes:
And all other subjection necessary for the good execution of the works according to the specifications of the STC.
The estimated cost of the operation after studies stands;
S/N |
1 |
Ayaba-Alahting |
LOT 1 |
32,027,000 |
2 |
Ntashia-Akefu |
3 |
Atogulah-Ntamamfe |
4 |
Azire A(commerdal avenue) crossing to Ntambag III |
LOT 2 |
31,552,000 |
5 |
Ntamulung (GBHS Bamenda) junction crossing over to Cow Street Nkwen |
6 |
All Saints Brassenes Junction to Musang |
7 |
Opposite Oscar shop Ntarinkon crossing to Matgenie |
LOT 3 |
16,163,000 |
8 |
Opposite KINGDOM HALLover to Step by Step Primary School |
9 |
Crossing Unking Bayelle through Bayelle II |
LOT 4 |
27,648,000 |
10 |
Funcha street to Ntaghem II through new life(crosing 1) |
11 |
Funcha street to Ntaghem II through new life Crossing il) |
12 |
LOT 5 |
16,486,000 |
13 |
Creasing Linking Ntahkikah To Ntahgem 1 (Below ELECAM Office) |
S/N |
1 |
Ayaba-Alahting |
LOT 1 |
2 |
Ntashia-Akefu |
3 |
Atogulah-Ntamamfe |
4 |
Azire A(commerdal avenue) crossing to Ntambag III |
LOT 2 |
5 |
Ntamulung (GBHS Bamenda) junction crossing over to Cow Street Nkwen |
6 |
All Saints Brassenes Junction to Musang |
7 |
Opposite Oscar shop Ntarinkon crossing to Matgenie |
LOT 3 |
8 |
Opposite KINGDOM HALLover to Step by Step Primary School |
9 |
Crossing Unking Bayelle through Bayelle II |
LOT 4 |
10 |
Funcha street to Ntaghem II through new life(crosing 1) |
11 |
Funcha street to Ntaghem II through new life Crossing il) |
12 |
LOT 5 |
13 |
Creasing Linking Ntahkikah To Ntahgem 1 (Below ELECAM Office) |
Participation in this invitation to tender is opened to all national companies specialized in building construction and public works.
The works subject of this invitation to tender shall be funded by C2D - "REGIONAL CAPITAL 2" budget Payments shall bre done within a maximum timeframe of 30 calendar days' maximum from the date of submission of the approved detailed accounts (bills).
The Tender file may be consulted and obtained from the Government Delegate's Secretariat at the Bamenda City Council (TEL: 233 361 313 or 677 773 859) and at the office of the Coordinator of the C2D pfogram, as soon as this tender notice is published.
The fiie may be obtained from the office of the Coordinator of the program (Tel: 677 850 332) as soon as this notice is published against payment of a non-refundable sum of seventy-four thousand (74,000) CFA francs payable at the Bamenda City Council Treasury under the budgetary head 712 101.
27th September 2019
The maximum execution deadline provided for by the Project Owner for the execution of the works subject of this tender for each lot shall be;
S/N |
1 |
2 |
LOT 3 and LOT 5 |
Each biidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond Issued by a first rate-bank or msuraiKjecompany approved by the Ministry In charge of Finance featuring in this tender file of the amounts tabulated below arvj valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of the validity of the offers.
N° |
Amount (FCFA) |
1 |
L0T 1 |
641,000 |
2 |
L0T 2 |
631,000 |
3 |
L0T 3 |
324,000 |
4 |
L0T 4 |
553,000 |
5 |
L0T 5 |
330,000 |
For fear of toeing rejected, only originals or true copies certified by the issuing services or administrative authorities (Senior Divisional Officer, Divisional Officers etc...) must imperatively be produced in accordance with the Special Regulations of the invitation to tender.
They must obligatorily not be okJer than three (3) months preceding the date of submission of bids or may be established after the signature of the tender notice.
Any bid not in compliance with the prescriptions of the Tender File shall be declared inadmissible.
The administrative, technical and financial bids shall be opened in a single phase.
The opening of the administrative documents and the technical and financial offers shall take place on 06/08/2019 at 1:00 o'clock p.m. precisely by the Bamenda City Council Internal Tenders Board at the Bamenda City Council library behind the Grand Stand.
Bidders may attend or be represented by a duly mandated person
The evaluation criteria consist of two types: the qualifying criteria and essential criteria. These criteria ae designed to identify and reject bids incomplete or non-compliant to the essential condftions established in the Bidding Documents relating to Offers including the admissibility of administrative documents, compliance of the technical offer to the CAD specifications and qualification of candidates.
Elimination crrteria
These criteria are designed to identify and reject bids incomplete or non-compliant to essential conditions established in the Bidding Doojments relating to Offers Including the admissibility of administrative documnts and technical qualification of candidates.
These criteria are:
• Absence of or irrsufficient Bid Security:
• False statements or falsified documents;
• Insufficient financial capacity
o Finandai Capacity / Surface (certificate from a first-class bank)
N° |
Amount (FCFA) |
1 |
L0T 1 |
> 30 000 000 |
2 |
L0T 2 |
> 30 000 000 |
3 |
L0T 3 |
>20 000 000 |
4 |
L0T 4 |
> 30 000 000 |
5 |
L0T 5 |
> 20 000 000 |
N° |
Amount (FCFA) |
1 |
L0T 1 |
> 75 000 000 |
2 |
L0T 2 |
> 75 000 000 |
3 |
L0T 3 |
>50 000 000 |
4 |
L0T 4 |
> 75 000 000 |
5 |
L0T 5 |
> 50 000 000 |
• Failure to meet an essential criteria. (See marking grid in the SRIT page
14.2 Essential criteria
The evaluation of the technical offers will be made following the binary (yes / no) based on the essential qualification criteria below:
o bidder's experience;
o human means;
o material means;
o Methodology approach.
References should be recent enough (under 5 years) and justified with extracts of contract The details of these essential criteria are specified in the evaluation matrix contained in the Supplementary Regulations of the Bid (Section 4).
The contracts shall be awarded to those bidders whose bids shall be judged essential in complience with the tender file and are evaluated as the lowest.
A bidder may tender for more than one lot but can only be attributed a maximum two (2) lots.
Bidders wil reman conwnitted to their offers for 90 (ninety) days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
A bidder may tender for more than one lot but can only be attributed a single lot.
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from the Coordinator of the Local Coordination Unit of the C2D-REGI0NAL CAPITAL program office (Tel: 677 850 332), Bamenda City Council.
In case a bidder is tendering for more than one tot, he should obligatorify present two separate documents for personnel, equipment and financial capacity (cumulative as specified in 14.1)