Contract Price |
Duration of |
Subject |
Winner |
Audit of 2021 Accounts L'id Financial Statements or SOWEDA |
ARC AUDIT & CONSULTING B.P. 6297 Yaounde |
3,874,134 |
02 Months |
The other bidders were eliminated for the following reasons:
Bidders Reason for Elimination |
CLS AUDIT CONSEIL , B.P. 5269, Douala |
Second lowest bidder with a combined score of 75%. |
AUDITEC FOIRIER B.P. 12134. Douala |
Third lowest bidder with a combined score of 72%. |
ZSM AUDIT & ADVISORY B.P. 12480. Douala |
Technical Score below the minimum acceptable score of 70%. |
ASAH ALPHA B.P. 4743. Douala |
Disqualified during bids opening for absence of Bid Bond and Declaration of Non-Abandonment of Public Contract |
The successful bidder is hereby invited to immediately report to the SOWEDA Head Office in Buea in view of subscribing and signing the Jobbing Order. All unsuccessful bidders are requested to report at the Secretariat of the SOWEDA Department of Administration and Finance to withdraw their bids within a period of 15 days. after which the bids shall..11r