Within the framework of the 2015 Decentralization Budget, the Divisional Delegate of the Ministry of Public Contracts of Diamaré (Contracting Authority) hereby launches on behalf of the Mayor of Ndoukoula council, a an Open National Invitation to tender following emergency procedure, for the Connecting electrical energy network of Gawel Loulou of Ndoukoula
The allowances involve the following tasks inter alia :
Connecting electrical energy network HTA monophasée lx34,4mm^alml7,32KV;
diverses Prestations.
The Works which form the subject of this Invitation to tender are financed by the Decentralization Budget, for the 2015 financial year. Budget Head, for the amount of twenty flve (25) millions francs CFA.
This tender is open under equal conditions to Cameroonian enterprises and companies operating under the Cameroonian law system; having a good experience in the domain concerned. Each bidder must give true information that will lead to choose the one who will carry out the contract well.
The Works which form the subject of this Invitation to tender are financed by the Decentralization Budget, for the 2015 financial year. Budget Head, for the amount of twenty flve (25) millions francs CFA.
Upon the publication of this notice, tender documents can be consulted during working days and hours at the Launching Contracts Support Unit (LCSU) of the Divisiona! Delegation of the Ministry of Public Contracts of Diamaré in Maroua. telephone number 222 29 33 42, Po. Box 936 Maroua. E-Mail: ddminmapdiamare@yahoo.fr.
A complete set of bidding documents must be purchased at the Launching Contracts Support Unit(LCSU) of the Divisional Delegation of the Ministry of Public Contracts of Diamaré in Maroua, telephone number 222 29 33 42, Pc. Box 936 Maroua, E-Mail: ddmlnmapdiamare@yahoo.fr, by interested bidders as soon as this notice is published upon présentation of a receipt of payment of a non- refundable fee of forty thousand (40.000) francs CFA at the Public Treasury.
Seven (07) copies of seaied complete bids (one certified copy of originals and six (06) photocopies) drafted either in English or French must be submitted at the Launching Contracts Support Unit (LCSU) of the Divisional Delegation of the Ministry of Public Contracts of Diamaré in Maroua latest 14 p.m. local time on 07/ 11/2016,with the reference:
024/ONIT/PR/MINPC/SG/FNRD/DDDlAM/DTB/2016/ BIS OF 19th October 2016
Followlng emergency procedure
The maximum deadline provided for by the Gawel-Loulou of Ndoukoula Two (02) months with effect from the date of notification of the contract.
Each bidder must include in his /her administrative file a provisional guarantee of the tune for the amount of 500 000 (five hundred thousands) Francs CFA issued by a first-rate bank or Insurance Company registered at the Ministry of Finance.
Each bidder must include in his /her administrative file a provisional guarantee of the tune for the amount of 500 000 (five hundred thousands) Francs CFA issued by a first-rate bank or Insurance Company registered at the Ministry of Finance.
For fear of rejection , the required administrative documents must be produced in original or certified true copies by the services who issued them bound, dating any less than three months.Any bid not in contormity with the specifications or this tender file shall be rejected .Notably, the absence of the provisional guarantee issued by a first-rate bank or Insurance Company approved by the Ministry of Finance or the non compliance of the model documents of the tender file shall lead to outright
rejection of the bid without any possible appeal.
The opening of bids will be in one phase in the presence of bidders or their duly mandated representative who choose to attend cg f 2016 3 Conference hall of the Divisional Delegation of the Ministry of Public Contracts of Diamaré in Maroua at COMICE headquarters.
Bids shall be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Eliminatory criteria
Fake document in the administrative file;
False declaration in the administrative file;
Technical score less than 35.
Career profile of the clerkof works not fulFilled ;
Lack of proof of having in property/ lease essential electrification composed of: a smooth rubber tyred compacter, a frontend loader,a dumper druck, a liaison vehicle, a grader, a water tanker and a water pump.
Main technical qualification criteria
The criteria relating to the qualification of bidders are the following:
Financial capacity (access to credit or any other financial resources, turnover,
Provisional guarantee) yes/no;
Références of the enterprise (generally or previous experience on similar projects
complexity, cost ) executed wlthin the last (03) Three years yes/no;
Experience and qualification of the supervisory staff . yes/no;
Methodology and job planning yes/no;
The availability of materialsand other essentials equipments yes/no;
Running Capital (transactions for 2014 year) and expectation for 2015 yes/no;
Technical report of the site visit yes/no.
These criteria are further divided into 43 sub criteria in such a case that only bidders who will have
obtained 3 YES over 43 in technical score shall be admitted to the financial analysis.
The Divisional Delegate of the Ministry of Publics Contracts (Contracting Authority) shall award the tender to the lowest bidder, whose technical and financial file conform with the tender documents in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of page through of the regulations governing the tender showing the technical evaluation of bids.
The bidders remain legally engaged by virtue of their tender for a period of ninety (90) days from the deadiine set for the submission of their bids.
Complementary information related to the tender file can be obtained during working days and hours at the Launching Contracts Support Unit of the Divisional Delegation of the Ministry of Public Contracts of Diamaré in Maroua, telephone number 222 29 33 42, Po. Box 936 Maroua, E-Mail: ddminmapdiamare@yahoo.fr, as soon as this notice is published.