Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 02-06-2022 à 13:42
Support : Plateforme :
SUBJECT; AWARD OF CONTRACT Sequel to correspondence NO-; 31/BCTB/C/2022 by the president of the Buea Council tender's board with a favourable recommendation for the award of contract for tender NO 006 for the Refurbishment of some places (mile 17 round about, police round about, and hospital round about)and in conformity with Article 99(a) of the public contract code, the contract has been awarded to your enterprise DE SAKO COMPANY for an amount of sixteen million seven hundred and sixty seven thousands five hundred (16,767,500) francs without tax and nineteen million nine hundred and ninety five thousands two hundred and forty four (19,995,244) francs. You are therefor called upon to urgently report at the private secretariat of the mayor of Buea council for subscription and notification of the contract to complete the award process.
Source de financement


Sequel to correspondence NO-; 31/BCTB/C/2022 by the president of the
Buea Council tender's board with a favourable recommendation for the award of contract for tender NO 006 for the Refurbishment of some places (mile 17 round about, police round about, and hospital round about)and in conformity with Article 99(a) of the public contract code, the contract has been awarded to your enterprise DE SAKO COMPANY for an amount of sixteen million seven hundred and sixty seven thousands five hundred (16,767,500) francs without tax and nineteen million nine hundred and ninety five thousands two hundred and forty four (19,995,244) francs.

You are therefor called upon to urgently report at the private secretariat of the mayor of Buea council for subscription and notification of the contract to complete the award process.

BUEA Le 27-05-2022