After the first and second phases which were judged satisfactory, financial partners amongst which the World Bank agreed to fund the third phase of the National Community Driven Development Program.
At the heart of the pre-occupations of the National Community Driven Development Program (PNDP) since 2004, is the promotion of citizens’ engagement within the communities at the base which is a real social and participative mechanism for the transformation and the structuring of the beneficiaries and milieu which becomes increasingly dense in the course of the third phase. This is known as the “Consolidation phase”, with the main aim of reinforcing the management of local public finances as well as the participatory process in the domain of development within the councils, in a bid to garantee the supply of infrastructure and quality sustainable socio-economic services.
Thus, in view to strengthen the process of citizens’ engagement within the councils through a base which is made up of communities at the base, the Program has put in place a number of important activities to be implemented, amongst which are : the development of a specific funding basket aimed at rewarding the most performing councils, local solutions, citizenship control mechanism for public action other wise known as SCORECARD aimed at enabling the beneficiaries to freely express themselves on their perception of the quality of services offered by the council ; the production of magazines in a bid to facilitate the diffusion of information by the council to the population ; making available to the beneficiaries a toll free number (Hotline) to collect and treat their worries and grievances addressed to the Program.
In this order of ideas, the promotion of local solutions appears as a major domain of intervention of PNDP in the course of the 3rd phase from the point of view of more and more increasing citizens’ engagement of the beneficiaries. It should be recalled that local solutions are answers and concrete actions which the population themselves bring to problems identified during the participatory diagnosis. In other words, local solutions are solid support instruments to the dynamics of local development and social transformation, vis-à-vis their contribution on how important it is to the improvement of basic social services, social cohesion within the communities at the base.
Local solutions constitute all actions put together initiated by the communities at the base organised in associations and groups in a bid to solve priority problems (which are within their reach) identified during participatory diagnosis in the various sectors of local development. They give a new vision of taking into consideration the basic aspirations, as well as a shift of paradigme putting on the spotlight the local population, as the main target within the vaste site of sustainable development.
The implementation of local solutions is a process of affirming a sense of belonging to the idealogy, a will of social cohesion and change to give an impetus to development while valorising all local resources.
Concretely speaking, other than development within an institional framework ranging from the village, council, regional and national levels, the implementation of local solutions rests on pillars such as (i) the sensitization and mobilisation of the population ; (ii) the identification, planning and programming of measures to be undertaken, (iii) the implementation or execution of feasible actions, (iv) the follow-up , and maintenance, and (v) the and evaluation of actions (enabling to bring in the necessary corrections, to motivate the communities and celebrate successes that will be registered eventually).
In view of reinforcing the institutional framework at the council level, it is important, either to designate an existing officer within the council personnel, or to recruit a new council officer for the follow-up of local solutions, thus justifying this call for candidature for the support of councils in view of identifying or recruiting a new officer for the follow-up and the implementation of local solutions.
The global objective of this mission is either to identify or select council community animators (CCA) in view to revamp village associations (CC) put in place and to organise villages for the execution of local activities within the council area.
Placed under the Mayor’s authority and under the supervision of the Secretary General, the council community animator shall give a technical and operational support in the follow-up and implementation of local solutions and measures.
The work of the council community animator shall consist of :
1. Supporting the communities and councils in changing their mentalities so they can take charge of their own development ;
2. Bringing the population at the base to adopt the planning process notably, tools for for identification, analysis, priotisation of their problems and envisaged solutions
3. Mobilising municipal councillors in the follow-up of activities in their respective communities ;
4. Involving and mobilising traditional chiefs and local authorities in the follow-up of planned activities ;
5. Restituting the five year plan, as well as Priority Investment Programs (AIP and MTDFW) to communities and collect their opinions and grievances for onward transmission to the council executive ;
6. Revising the process carried out in communities, during planning ;
7. Evaluating the activities effectively carried out on the local solutions table ;
8. Revamping of village associations through supporting the putting in place of heads of such Village Associations in line with the law bearing on the general code of Decentralised Territorial Collectivities of December 2019 ;
9. Identifing the local solutions which require some technical expertise and putting in contact the community concerned with the sector ministry or technicians concerned in collaboration with the Mayor ;
10. Keeping a local solutions database and have it transmitted on a monthly basis to the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) ;
11. Giving suppport in the collection and treatment of grievances at the village and council levels ;
12. Consolidating the data related to grievances from Village Associations (CC) and the council respectively and have them tranmitted to the the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) on a monthly basis ;
13. Liasing with the population at the base, Village Associations (CC) and the Management Committees (COGES) vis-à-vis ensuring that existing and new infrastructures are functioning properly.
14. Building the capacities of Village association members and coaching the population in view of creating dynamics of self promotion in order for them to be masters of their own development;
15. Facilitating the strcuturing and the setting up of a network of the various organisations of the area ;
16. Produce and submit monthly activity reports to the Mayor.
A detailed job description shall be made available to the selected Council Community Animators which shall be annexed to his/her contract.
The Council Community Animator should be a holder of at least a GCE Advance Level certificate (Baccalauréat) or its equivalent (Technician in Agriculture, Animal husbandry ; Civil Engineer, Rural Engineer, (probatoire + 2 or GCE O level + 3), etc.)
The work experience required of the post of a Council Community Animator must be related to the following aspects :
N.B : The selection shall be done in two stages : (i) examination of the candidates’ files, notably the CV and (ii) an interview with the preselected candidates.
Candidates’ files (one original and six copies) stating the region and the council sollicited must be in the venues mentioned below for the Regions concerned ; latest the 16th of June 2020 at 3 :00 pm prompt (local time), in conformity with the table below and must have the following inscriptions « A Call for Candidature for the recruitment of Council Community Animators ».
The following documents must be submitted for a candidate’s file to be considered complete for analysis :
N.B : Councils are independent entities, therefore, candidates who desire to go in for more than one council must submit the number of documents equal to the number of councils they are postulating for.
For more information, Candidates interested in this Call for Candidature can get in contact with the various Regional Coordination Units of the Program concerned, or the councils concerned or the address mentioned below :
The National Coordination Unit of PNDP at ‘pont-dragages’, after the residence of the Ivory Coast Ambassador ; not far from UNESCO (United Nations Organisation for Education, Science and Culture) and UNDP (The United Nations Development Program).
BP : 660 Yaoundé – Cameroun
Tél : +237 222 21 36 64
Fax : + 237 222 21 36 63
Email :, and : from 8 :00am to 5 :00 PM.