The Vice-Chancellor of the Universityof Bamenda launches a request for quotation for the development of parking, space around the Reunification Building and the pedagogic block 400 seats in the University of Bamenda.
The services tobe performed consist of back filling, compacting of soil and supply and
installation of prefabricated pavement bricks for parking spaces as defined in the technical specifications annexed to the tender documents.
The estimated cost of the operation at the end of preliminary studies is 25,000,000
(Twenty-five million) CPA francs.
The object of this service listing application is made in a single batch.
Participation in thisrequest for quotation is opened to Cameroonian companies with
experience in the execution of external works.
Services forming the subject of this invitation totender shall be financed by the Public
Investment Budget ofthe University of Bamenda, fiscal 2018, Program 244 - Action 06 - Activity 23- Section 461- Art+Parag 360064-227607.
The file may be consulted during working hours at the Directorate of Infrastructure, Planning and Development of the University of Bamenda, Contracts Service on publication of this notice.
The tender file can be obtained from the Directorate of Infrastructure, Planning and
Development of the University of Bamenda, Contracts Service, against presentation of a receipt of payment tothe special account (CAS) N° 10001 06860 33598860001 94 of the ARMP / BICEC the non-refundable feeof twenty-five thousand (25,000) CPA francs representing the file's purchasing costs.
26th April 2018 at the same time
The delivery time specified by the contracting authority is Three (03) months from the date of notification of the administrative order to start the suppiies.
Tenders must be accompanied by a provisional guarantee (bid bond) established, on the model shown in the tender File, by an authorized banking institution of the first order by the Ministry of Finance for an amount equal to five hundred thousand (500,000) F.CFA.
The absence of the provisional bond or its non-compliance with the model enclosed in the quotation file leads to the systematic rejection of the offer. The provisional guarantee will be automatically released within thirty (30) days after the expiry ofthe validity of bids for bidders who have not been selected. In case the bidderis awarded the contract, the surety will be released after provisional constitution ofthe final guarantee represented by the hold back.
Under risk being rejected, theother administrative documents required must be produced In originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or an administrative authority in accordancewiththe Special Conditions of the invitation totender.
The bids shall be opened In a single phase on 12th of April 2018 at 12noon prompt.
Only bidders can attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice.
After opening the offers, the Internal Tenders Board of the University of Bamenda will conduct the assessment and comparison using the following criteria:
1.) Eliminatory Criteria
1.) Incomplete administrative documents
2.)Falsification of documents
3.)To have abandoned the execution of a public contract in the last three years
4.)External envelop bearing a distinction mark from the bidder
5.)Non satisfaction of at least 75% of the essential criteria
6.)Omissionofa quantified prizein the financialbid
7.) Incomplete financialbid.
2.) Essential criteria
The criteriafor the technical evaluation of the candidates will be in the binary system
(yes/no) qualification criteria relating to:
-The presentation of the offer;
- The experience of the bidder for similar works
- The existence and experience of the key personnel
-The equipment of the bidder
- Planning and execution deadline.
The contracting authority shallawardthe Purchase Order to the Bidder whose offer will be recognizedin substantial compliance with tender documents andlowest evaluated including if any discounts offered.
Tenderers are bound by their offers for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of opening of bids.
Further information may be obtained every day duringworking hours from the
Development, Physical Plant and Infrastructure office Service of Contracts, BP 39 Bamblli.