The Lord Mayor of ANDEK council , the Contracting Authority, on behalf of the Republic of Cameroon, hereby launches an open invitation to tender for the FOR THE REHABILITATION AND EXTENSION OF TEZE WATER SCHEME, MOMO Division, North-West Region. It is a single lot.
The works include the following:
Lot: |
Name of project |
Amount of project |
Amount of bid bond |
Cost of tender file : |
17 000 000 CFA |
340 000 F CFA |
29 500F CFA |
Participation is open under the same conditions to all Cameroonian companies and business concerned that have proven experience in the field of rural, civil and industrial engineering in general.
The works, subject of this invitation to tender, shall be financed by the Public Investments Budget MINEE 2020.
The tender file may be consulted at the Andek Council (the office of the secretary general ) during working hours, as soon as this tender notice is published.
The tender file may be acquired from the Andek Council (the office of the secretary general Tel 237 671771879 ) upon presentation of a non refundable treasury receipt of 29 500 (twenty nine
21st February 2020 at the seme time
The maximum execution deadline shall be four (04) calender months, including the rainy season and other vagaries, with effect from the date of notification of the administrative order of work commencement.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents a bid bond issued by a first rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuring in the annex of the tender file of the sum of 340 000 (Three hundred and forty thousand ) FCFA.
The provisional deposit shall be automatically released not later than 30 (thirty) days following the expiry of the validity of the bids for bidders who shall not be retained. In the case where the bidder is awarded the contract, the provisional deposit shall be released after the constitution of the final bond.
Les offres ne respectant pas le mode de séparation de l’offre financière, des offres administratives et techniques seront irrecevables.
Toute offre non conforme aux prescriptions du présent avis et du Dossier d'Appel d'Offres sera déclarée irrecevable. Notamment l'absence de la caution de soumission délivrée par une banque de premier ordre agréée par le Ministère chargé des Finances, valable pendant 30 jours au-delà du délai de validité des offres.
Sous peine de rejet, les autres pièces administratives requises devront être impérativement produites en originaux ou en copies certifiées conformes par le service émetteur ou une autorité administrative, datant de moins de trois (03) mois et valide le jour de l’ouverture des plis.
Wednesday, 4th March, 2020
The evaluation of the bids shall be done in three (03) steps:
The criteria of evaluation are the following:
-Eliminatory criteria
Essential criteria:
The technical offer of the bidder shall be assessed along the following lines:
S/N |
Designation |
01 |
General Presentation of the offer: Document spirally bound, colour sheets separation, table of content, presentation of documents in the order given in this tender file, quality of document. |
01 |
02 |
Quality of Requested staff: Qualifications,experience of personnel affected to the project, CV, NIC and attestation of availability signed and dated. |
04 |
03 |
Technical equipment/material affected to the project: The company should justify the property of the necessary material to the execution of works. |
03 |
04 |
Reference of the enterprise:
02 |
05 |
Presence of the methodology of work execution |
04 |
06 |
Presence of the prefinancing capacity |
01 |
The note of the technical offer will be gotten by addition of marks for every criteria. Only the technical offer having gotten an equal or superior note to 80% of YES will be kept for the financial evaluation.
The jobbing order shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid is in conformity with the dispositions of the tender file and on the basis of the lowest bid and technical quality. (See article 99 of the public contracts code).
The bidders shall remain committed to their bids during a period of (ninety) 90 days from the deadline set for the submission of bids.
Complementary technical information may be obtained every day during working hours from the Divisional Delegation for Water Resources and Enery for Momo.