The Divisional Delegate of PubliC Contracts for Meme, Contracting Authority, hereby publishes the result of an invitation to tender as foliows:
S/N |
1 |
02/ON1T/DDMINMAP MEME/MDTB/2017 for the construction of two classrooms at G.S Mundame |
VICTORY ENTERPRISE, P.O Box 651 Kumba; Tel. 675 368 222 |
16 999 958 |
Three (03) |
The concerned enterprise is hereby invited to present itself without any delay at the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts for Meme (Service of Contracts Award) for the elaboration of its draft contract.
Consequently bidders who were not retained are hereby requested to withdraw their bids within fifteen (15) days from the date of signature of this communiqué. Failure to do so, the said bids shall be disposed of without any claim being entertained from the bidders.