Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 19-03-2020 à 10:36
Support : Plateforme :
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)
  1. 1.     Within the framework of the execution of the 2019 State. Budget, the Governor of the South West Region hereby launches by emergency

Procedure, an open national invitation to tender for CONTINUATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FENCE IN GTHS MOLYKO-BUEA

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

This involvos ihe realisation of the tasks oultined in the bills of quantifies and cost estimates and elaborated in the special tec:hnic:al clauses comprising notably:

-Preliminary works involving ;

-Studies and mobilization

-  Earlh works ;

- Foundations works ; -      

- Elevalion works ;

- Electricity works ; Painting Works


3.Cout Prévisionnel New(Additif)

The estirnaled cost alter preliminary siudies stands ut fifty millions (50.000.000) FCFA

4.Participation et origine New(Additif)

The tender is open to duty registered Carneroonian Enterprises that fulfill  requirernents of Ibis invitation to tender

5.Financement New(Additif)

Works which formed the subject of this invitation to tender shatl be financed by the PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET 2020 of MINESEC.

6.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender file may be consulted during working hours al Governor's Office at  the south west door 014 ; tel 233 32 25 07

7.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender file may be acquired from the Governor's Office for the south wesl, door 014; tel 23 32 25 07 upon presentation of a non-refundable treasury receipt (payable at the Region Treasury Buca) of Fifty fiveThousand (55.000) FCFA. Such o receipt shall identify the concerne bidder.

8.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Each bid drafted in English or French shall be signed by the bidder or by a duty aulhorize representative and presented in seven (07) copies including the original and six (06) Copi( marked as such. These shall be submitted in one sealed pack containing three (3) envc-)lopc (A: Administrative file, B: Technical file, C: Financial file). The sealed pack shall bear r information on the entreprise  and should reach the Governor's Office for the south west, do 014; latest the20 Mars 2020 at  10:00 am and should carry the inscription:


9.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

the maximum duration of execution provided for by the Contracting Authority is three (03) months. This duration is as frorn the date of notification of the service order to starl work

10.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each bidder must include in his/her administrative documents a bid bond that  respects the models of this tender file, issued by a first-rate banking establishment approved by the Ministry ii charge of finance, (sec list in document No. 12 of This tender file), of an amount of one million; (1.000.000)FCFA.

11.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Each bid drafted in English or French shall be signed by the bidder or by a duty aulhorize representative and presented in seven (07) copies including the original and six (06) Copi( marked as such. These shall be submitted in one sealed pack containing three (3) envc-)lopc (A: Administrative file, B: Technical file, C: Financial file). The sealed pack shall bear r information on the entreprise  and should reach the Governor's Office for the south west, do 014; latest the20 Mars 2020 at  10:00 am and should carry the inscription:


TENDER N°  001/ONIT/GSWR/GIIIS BUEA/SWRTB/2020 OF  24 fev 2020

FOR CONTINUATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FENCE IN GTHS MOlYKO-BUEA "To be opened only during the bid-opening session"

In case of any ambiguilies or différences, only the original shall be considered authentic,

12.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

tHE  OPENING OF BIDS IN ONE PHASE SHALL BE DONE ON THE 20 mARS 2020 AT 11/ am  prompt in the  Conference  Hall AT THE GOVERNOR's OFFICE   for the South West by the Regional Tender's board.

Only  bidders may  attend or be duly  represented by a person of  their  choice who has a full  knowledge of the file and mandated in that capacity.

13.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

14. Evaluain criteria

The evaluation       bids shall be corried oui in If iree.,. stages:

iv                                 stage : verification of the presence and conforrnity of each administrative
document ;

2nd Stage : Evaluolion of the technical bids ;

>                 Stage: Analyses of the financial bids.
The criteria of evalualion shah be as follows: 14.1-Eliminatory criteria

-    Absence or insufficient bid bond;

-    Deadline of execution more thon Ille prescribed

-    False declaration or falsified or scanned documents;

Omission of a quontified task on the bill of quantifies and cosy eslirnates

Enterprise. with an abandoned contract or uncompleted project (above 10% laieness penalties without due justification) in Ihe South west Region.

-    Non satisfaction of ai least 70% of the main qualification criteria.

14.2. Main qualification criteria: the evalualion of the bids shall be done on predefined lechnical criteria on a global mark of 100. The criteria relaling to the qualification of candidates could indicalivehy be on the following:

  • Financ:ial
  • Experience of the enterprise.  § Personne( to be rnobilized.
  • Equiprnent put at the disposai of the project.
  • Meirioiology/olgolizolion of #ho silo.
14.Attribution New(Additif)

The jobbing contracts shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid is in conforrnity Io the dispositions of Ihe tender file and on the basis of the lowest bid and technical quality, in accordance with article 99 of the public contracts code.

15.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

The bidders shall remain comnnitted to their offers during a period of (ninety) 90 deys from the deadline sel for the subrnission of bids.

16.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Complementary technical information rnay be oblained every day during working hours from the Inspectorale General of the Governor's Office

BUEA Le 24-02-2020