The General Manager of CRTV hereby launches an open national invitation to tender for the provision of communication equipment (TV receivers) at the TV Production Centre in Mballa II-CRTV for the 2016 fiscal year
The services of this invitation to tender are related to the provision of the followin communication eauit ment:
NO |
Production descriptions |
Quantity |
1 |
TV set |
28 |
2 |
Wall mounting brackets |
22 |
3 |
Stable fixation furniture |
06 |
The quantifies and specifications of the said furniture are contained in document NO 5 of this Tender File.
The estimated cost of the operation following prier studies stands at FCFA TTC 26,000,000 (twenty-six millions).
The participation in this Invitation to Tender is open d firms under Cameroon's law that seil post-production equipment, and storage servers.
The provisions that are subject to this invitation to tender are sponsored by the 2016 financial year of CRTV budget programme under budget allocation codes N0 24153000
The tender File may be consulted during working hours in the Department of Administration and Financial Affairs, Procurment Service, 9 floor, room 911 in CRTV Production Centre Mballa Il Yaoundé PO Box 1.634 : 222 21 40 77/222 21 40 88. Extension 4911; Fax : 222
20 43 40, following the publication of-this notice.
The File Tender can be obtained in the Department of Administration and Financial Affairs, Procurement Service, 9 floor, room 9110in CRTV Production Centre Mballa II Yaoundé PO Box 1634 ; Tél. : 222 21 40 77/222 21 40 88. Extension 4911; Fax : 222 20 43 40, following the publication of this notice, upon presentation of an original receipt showing the payment of a non-refundable fee of 40,000 francs (fourty thousand) representing the purchase fee of the Tender File to be paid in the « CAS-ARMP special account» No 335 988 that has been opened in all the branches of Banque Internationale du Cameroun pour l'Epargne et le Crédit (BICEC).
A duplicate of the said receipt shall be submitted as the bidder is handed the Tender File.
Each bid shall be drafted either in English or French in six (06) copies with one (01) being original and (05) five duplicates labelled as such. They should be forwarded to Department of Administration and Financial Affairs, Procurement Service, 9 floor, room 911 in CRTV Production Centre Mballa li Yaoundé PO Box 1634 ; Tél. : 222 21 40 77/222 21 40 88. Extension 4911 ; Fax : 222 20 43 40, not later than 1er december 2016 at 10 am, local time. Bids shall be sealed labelled as follows:
Open national invitation to tender notice N018 AONO/CRTV/CIPM/16
For the provision of communication equipment (TV receivers) at the TV Production Centre in Mballa II and in some regional stations of CRTV for the
2016 financial year
"To be opened only during the Tender Opening Session ".
Delivery shall be effective within sixty (60) days as required by the Contracting Authority or the assigned Contracting Authority.
Each bidder has to include in his/her administrative file, a bid bond for each lot issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Minister of Finance featuring the list in document 11 of the TF amounting to FCFA 520,000 (five hundred and twenty thousand) and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the validity of offers.
Under the penalty of rejection, the documents of the administrative file must obligatorily be produced in original copies and certified true copies by the issuing service or an administrative authority in conformity with the provisions of the Special Regulations of the Invitation to Tender. They must obligatorily be less than (3) three months old or must be produced alter the signing of the tender file.
Any incomplete bid, in conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tendre file, shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry of Finance or the non-compliance of TF templates.
The opening of bids shall be done one single session.
The opening of administrative documents and technical bids shall be clone on 1e/12/2016 at 11 am by CRTV internai Procurement Committee located on the grouncl floor of M balla li Television Production Centre, Yaoundé.
Only bidders or their duly authorized and well informed representative participate in this opening session.
13.1 Eliminatory criteria
The eliminatory criteria especially target:
13.1.1 Administrative documents
13. Eliminatory Criteria
Eliminatory criteria include the following items:
13.1.3 Financial criteria
14. Essential criteria
14.1 Essential evaluation criteria
14.6 Compliance with references and the quantities of products
14.7 The contact shall be awarded to lowest responsible bidder, whose bid is substantially compliant whith the prescriptions of theTender File, and who has met 100% of eliminatory criteria and at least 80% of essentiel criteria.
The requirements to meet to be awarded this invitation to tender are specified in the OMPP.
Bidders shall be bound by their bids for a period of ninety (90) days, with effect from the deadline determined for the submission of bids.
Additional information may be obtained during working hours in the Department of Administration and Financial Affairs, Procurement Service, 9 floor, room 911 in CRTV Production Centre Mballa ll Yaoundé PO Box 1634 ; Tél. : 222 21 40 77/222 21 40 88. Extension 4911 ; Fax : 222 20 43 40.