In the setting of public investment budget of 2016 budgetary exercise, the divisional delegate for public contracts for the Nyong et So'o division, Contracting Authority, launches on the behalf of Ministry of Economy Planning and Regional Development (MINPAT) (master of the civil engineering work) a consultation for a quotation application, for the acquirement of a Pick-Up 4X4 double cabin (06 rooms) air-conditioned to the Nyong and So'o Divisional Delegation for MINEPAT, for an estimative cost of Twenty-six Millions five hundred thousand (26 500 000) frs cfa.
The benefits of the present consultation for a quotation application, concern the acquirement of a pick - up 4x4 Double Cabin (06 rooms) air-conditioned.
This offer is open to all automotive franchisees.
This shall be clone by the Public Investment Budget (PIB), 2016 budgetary exercise.
The File can be consulted and withdrawn during opening hôurs at the Divisional Delegation for Public Contacts for the Nyong and So'o, opposite the Senior Divisional Office, (G.B.H.S Street), as from the date of publication of this offer against a receipt of Fifty thousand francs CFA (50 000), non-refundable, provide by the Recipe of Finances of Mbahnayo.
The File can be consulted and withdrawn during opening hôurs at the Divisional Delegation for Public Contacts for the Nyong and So'o, opposite the Senior Divisional Office, (G.B.H.S Street), as from the date of publication of this offer against a receipt of Fifty thousand francs CFA (50 000), non-refundable, provide by the Recipe of Finances of Mbahnayo.
Tenders written either in French or English, in seven (07) copies (an original and six photocopies labeled) shall be submitted in enclosed envelopes at the Divisional Delegation for Public Contracts for the Nyong and So'o latest on the 20/09/2016 at noon, and shall bear the following indications:
N°005/DC/PR/MINPC/DDPC/NS/DCPC/2016 OF THE 31/08/2016
Financing: PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET, 2016 Budgetary Exercise.
"to be opened only during the bid-opening session"
The maximum length of achievement is Thirty (30) days.
This length runs as from the date of notification of the order of service to begin the execution of the contract.
Each contractor shall join to the required administrative file, a receipt of the estimative cost, a
deposit of Five hundred thirty thousand (530 000) frs CFA, delivered by a top financial institution acknowledged by the Ministry of Finance.
The deposit shal1 be valid for a period of (90) ninety days alter the deadline of offers.
To avoid dismissal, the originals or certified true copies of the required administrative documents, including the deposit, should be handed in. The date of signature should not exceed a period of three (03) months.
Any tender arriving alter the day and hour of deadline shah be rejected.
Any proposai that shall not conform to the quotation requirements shall be rejected.
The unveiling will be done in a lime. The unveiling of the administrative, technical and financial documents proposais shall be made by the Divisional Tender Board of Public Contracts for the Nyong and so'o, in the presence of ail the requesting contractors or their appointed representative, at the Delegation for Public Contracts for the Nyong and So'o in Mbahnayo on the 20/09/2016 at 1P.M.
The offers shall be evaluated as follows:
10. 1. Dismissing criteria.
1. General presentation of the offer .............................................Yes/No;
2. The supplier's references: references accumulated during the five (05) last years for the similar benefits.......... Yes/No
3. The availability of spare parts (at least in four Regions)...............Yes/No
4. The customer service.At the level of staffs: at least a stting and the technical facilities availability................ Yes/No
5. The manufacturer's authorisation................................................ Yes/No
6. The certificate of origin ............................................................ Yes/No
7. Conformity of supplies to the technical features............................. Yes/No
8. Supply planning........................................................................ Yes/No
The failure to respect three (03) of these criteria drag
Only the financial files of contractors which would have obtained at least 70% of eligibility criteria shall be examined.
Contractors remain committed sixty (60) days as from the deadline of the registration.
They can be available during working hours at the Divisional Delegation for Public Contracts for the Nyong et So'o, Phone number: 222 11 15 62.