Within the framework of the 2016 of the Spécial Fund of Equipment and Inter Local Intervention (FEICOM); the Adamawa Régional Delegate of Public Contract; Contractîng Authority, hereby lounches for the occount of the Moyor of BELEL an Open National Invitation to Tender for the réhabilitation and extension of the network of adduction of drinking woter of the Belel Council, in Vina Division; Adamawa Région.
Works and the beneflts object of the présent tender understand:
- The rehabilitation of 2 boring equipped with elecîric pumps;
- The rehabilitation of the former network of distribution;
- The realization of a distribution network;
- The construction of a réservoir of storage of 54m3.
The estimable cost of exécution is seventy-four millions six hundred sixty-two one thousand five hundred (74 662 500) CFA Franc.
Works are not be divided
Participation in this invitation to tender is restricted at the following enterprises:
N° | Nomes of the meodow- qualified enterprises | Adresses |
1 | CGC-CAM | PO. BOX : 11 764 Yooundé |
2 | EGETRA | PO. BOX : 476 Ngaoundéré |
3 | HYDRAUFOR | PO. BOX :713 Garouo |
However, in accordance with the régulation of the Public Contract, ail candidate who will estimate itself capable to answer fixed on time, after publication of the Tender restricts will be able to subscribed validiy. In this case.
The works of realization of the borings, object of the présent Opinion of Call of Offers National Restricted, are finonced by the Spécial Fund of Equipment and inter Local Intervention (FEICOM) of the exercise 2016.
The Tender file can be obtained during working hours at the Secrétariat of the Adamawa Régional Délégation of Public Contracts, located in Tongo Galdima area, Troua Malla crossroad, TEL: 222 25 11 79, 222 25 13 39. FAX: 222 25 11 42, E-mail minmapadamaoua@vahoo.fr immediately after publication of this.
Tender files can be obtained from the Secrétariat of the Adamawa Régional Délégation of Public Contracts, located in Tongo Galdima area. Troua Malla crossroad, road of the raiiway station. TEL: 222 25 1 1 79 on présentation of a treasury receipt showing payment into the public treasury of a non-refundable sum of seventy five hundred thousand (75 000) Franc CFA being the purchasing cost of the file.
Each tender drafted in English or French in seven (07) copies including one (01) original and six (06) copies marked as such, shouid reach at the Secrétariat of the Adamawa Régional Délégation of Public Contracts, located in Tongo Galdima area, Troua Malla crossroad, road of the railway station, TEL: 222 25 11 79 not later than 05 December 2016 at 11 noon local time and shouid carry the inscription;
N°029/ONIT/RDPC-AD/RTB-AD/ 2016 OF THE 14 NOV 2016
To be opened on/y ai ihe bid opening session".
NB; The offer shouid be accompanied by a CD contalning the numeric version under Excel format of the quantitative and approximate détail setting
The maximum delay of exécution foreseen by the Master of work for the realization of works is fixed four (04) months.
This short delay infend of the date of notification of the order of service to begin works.
The tenderer shouid join to his administrative pièces, a guoranty of submissiveness established by a firstcloss bonk accepted by the Ministry chorged of the finances and whose list represents in the piece 12 of the DAO, of an amount of 1 500 000 FCFAS (A million fîve hundred one thousand) and valid during thirty (30) days beyond the original date of validity of the offers.
Under pain of rejection, the administrative documents required, must be produced in originals or true copies certified by the issuing service, Divisional Officer...) in accordance wîth the Spécial Conditions of the invitation to tender.
They must not be older than three preceding the original date of submission of bids (3) months or must not have been established after the signing of the tender notice.
Any incomplète offer in accordance with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance.
The bids shall be opened in single phase.
The opening of the administrative documents and the technical financial offers shall take place on 05 December 2016 at 12h am local time by the Régional Tenders Board attached to the Adamawa Régional Delegate of Public Contracts, in the Conférence Room of the Adamawa Régional Délégation of Public Contracts, located in Tongo Galdima area. Troua Malla crossroad, road to the railway station Tel: 222 25 11 79, E-mail: minmapadamaoua@vahoo.fr. Only bidders, may attend or be duly represented by a person of theîr choice.
14.1 Eliminatory Criterla
The eliminatory criteria's will essentially carry on:
1- The absence of an administrative piece;
2- The non-compliant administrative piece and non regutarized in the delay granted by the commission;
3- The false déclaration or piece falsified;
4- The absence of an unit price quantifiée! in " the flnancîal " offer;
5- The technical note lower to 70%.
At the risk of dismissal, the guaranty of submissiveness and the attestation of banking domiciliation of the tenderer must be produced imperatively in original, the other pièces in original or in copies certified compilant. These administrative justifications must date iess three (03) month and to be compilant to the model.
14.2 Essential criteria
The essential criteria relating to the qualification of the candidates wlil relate to:
1. Général references of the enterprise Yes/No
2. The access to a line of crédit or other resources financial superior or equal to sixty million (60 000 000) CFA Franc; Yes/No
3. The references of the enterprise in the similar realizations (Implantation, foration, test of pumping, installation of pump) ; Yes/No
4. Permanent or mobllizabie material means; Yes/No
5. Personal of yard ; Yes/No
6. Organization, methodology, and plannings of exécution of the benefits ; Yes/No
7. A déclaration on the tenderer's honor, signed and dated certifying the vîsit of the site and according to the model joins in annex. Yes/No
PS: Only the tenderers having gotten 70% of yes to the technical assessment will be admitted to the financial anaiysis.
The contract will be assigned to the tendered filling the requisite technical and administrative capacities and presenting the least saying offer.
The bidder is bound by his bid for a period of ninety (90) days with effect from the deadiine fixed for the submission of the blds.
Compiementary technical Information may be obtalned during working hours from the Adamawa Régional Délégation of Public Contracts In Ngaoundere situated in the district Tongo Galdlma, crossroads Pierced Malla, road of the raiiway station Tel.: 222 25 11 79/222 25 13 39, fax; 222 25 11 42 E-mail: minmapadamaoua@Yahoo.fr: or the BELEL Council.