The Govemnient Delegate Maroua City Council, Conlracling Authority. hereby launches an Open National Invitation to tender for the maintenance of public lighling Boulevard of the renewal to the prefecture of Maroua, Diamaré division, far North-Region.
The Works subject of this contract include the realization of the maintenance public lighting Boulevard of the renewal to the prefecture of Maroua, Diamaré division, far North Region
• Supply and installation of cable;
• Supply and installation ofpôles and luminaries
• Genie Civil Works
• Miscellaneous services
As far as works are concerned, an estimated amount of for eighty million (80,000,000) CFA F is allocated for this contract by the Maroua city council Fiscal Year 2016, Chapter II 220 150.
The involvement in this invitation to tender is open with equal conditions to Cameroon-Law related enterprises justifying the technical and financial capacities for the achievement ofthe works. By this invitation to tender, interested enterprises are called upon to provide authentic information which will be useful for the choice of the one that can meet tlie needs of the required service after an in-depth and objective appraisal of its application file
As far as works are concerned, an estimated amount of for eighty million (80,000,000) CFA F is allocated for this contract by the Maroua city council Fiscal Year 2016, Chapter II 220 150.
The tender file may be consulled during working hours at the Maroua City Concil, especially at the Government Delegate secretary located at Pitoare neighborhood upon publication of this invitation to tender tel/Tel / Fax 222 291 093.
Polder Tender file may be obtained at the Government Delegate Secretary (first floor quarter of Pitoare) in Maroua Tel / Fax 222 291 093, upon submission of the receipt attesting to the payaient of a non-refundable fee of one hundred thousand (100,000) francs CFA into the Maroua City Council Income Officer, This amount represents the file's fee purchase.
Each offer, written in French or in English, seven (07) copies, one (01) original and six(06) copies labeled as such, meetthe requirements of the Tender Dossier, will be filed against receipt under sealed envelopes, Tel / Fax 222 291 093, by 30th November 2016 at 14:00 am local time and will be marked:
NO 007/ONIT/MCC/ITB-WOT/2016 30th OF NOVEMBER 2016
" NB: Beyond the submission's deadline tenders will no longer be received."
The execution deadline sets by the Foreman is tree (03) months. This period includes the Rainy seasons, weather and some other factors with effect from the day of works' notification; signing's date of contract.
Each applicant will include inhis administrative file a deposit ( incompliance with the model attached) issued by a first-class banking institution approved by the Mmistry in charge ofFinance and whose the list features in Document 12 ofthe tender file, and valid for thirty (30) days with effect from the tender- validity deadline. The deposifs amount stands at one million six hundred thousand (1 600 000) CFA francs.
Lest they be rejected, should compulsory be submitted only the originals and copies ofthe other required administrative documents (valid) certified by either the issuing service or an administrative authority in keeping with the requirements of the special tender regulation. They must date less than three (3)months and valid onthe day of the tender disclosure.
Tenders disclosure will be done in one stage on 30th November 2016 at 15.00 am prompt at the meeting Hall ofthe Maroua City council in the presence ofthe applicants. Only them may attend the opening session or have themselves represented by a duly person of their choice (even in case of joint venture) having a sound knowledge of their file.
Tendere evaluation will be done in three (3) stages:
• First stage: Verification ofthe administrative file regularity.
• Second stage: Technical appraisal of the administrative tender attested as regular.
• Third stage: Verification of the financial offer of those companies whose the tender files have been previously admitted as far as the technical and administrative stages are concerned.
Thetender evaluation criteria are the followings:
Elimnatory criteria
Administrative documents
Incomplete administrative file;
False declaration or forged document.
Technical proposal
Incomplete or non-compliant file;
False declaration or forged document;
The turnover of at least eighty million (80 000 000) CFA F for the last three (3) years in Electric Works;
Failure to show proof as the main entrepreneur of the building site as far as the network electric supply is concerned overthe lastthree(3) years;
Absence in the technical proposal of a column indicating the organization, planning and understanding ofthe project; I) Failure to scoreat least twenty-four (24) essential criteria over thirty-four (34).
Financial offer
Incomplete financial tender;
Non-compliant file;
Omission of a quantified unit price from the price schedule;
Absence of prices sub-detail.
Assessment of the tecluiical proposai will be carried out on the basis of thirty-four (34) main criteria defined inthe appraisal grid related to the tender file.
The Govemment Delegate Maroua City Council, Contracting Authority grants the contract to the applicant whose file, technically skilled, assessed appealing with the lowest bid deemed to be and substantially in accordance with the tender file.
Applicants will be bound by their tenders for a period of ninety (90) days with effect from the tender-submission deadline.
The additional information of atechnical nature inay be obtained every day during working hours at the Govemment Delegate's Secretary Maroua City Council located at Ist floor (quarler of Djarengol-Piloaré) in Maroua. Tel/ Fax 222 291 093.