Within the framework of the convention signed between the FEICOM and the Township of Bélel, the Adamawa Régional Delegate of Public contract, Contracting Authority, hereby launches for the account of Mayor of Bélel an Open National Invitation to tender for the survey and the control of the Works of rehabilitation and extension of the network of adduction of drinking water of the township of Bélel, Department of the Vina, Région of the Adamawa.
Survey and the control of the works of rehabilitation and extension of the network of adduction of drinking water of the township of Bélel, Department ofthe Vina, Région ofthe Adamawa.
The estimable cost of exécution is seven millions eight hundred thirty seven thousand five hundred (7 837 500 ) CFA Francs
The works shall not be divided
The involvement to the présent Call of offers is open to the Technical study Offices (BET) of Cameroonian right of which the appraisal and the experience are established in the domain
Works, Object of the présent Call of offers, are financed by the Spécial Fund of Equipment and Inter Local Intervention (FEICOM) EXERCISE 2016
The Tender file can be obtained during working hours at the Secrétariat of the Adamawa Régional Délégation of Contracts Public, located in Tongo Galdima area, Troua Malla crossroad TEL. 222 25 11 79, 222 25 13 39. FAX; 222 25 11 42 E-mail minmapadamaoua@yahoo.fr immediately after publication of this tender,
Tender files can be obtained from the Secrétariat of the ADAMAWA Régional Délégation of Public contracts, located in Tongo Galdima area, Troua Malla crossroad, road of the raiiway station. TEL:
222 25 11 79 on présentation of a treasury receipt showing payment into the public treasury of a non-refundable sum of 10 000 ( ten thousand) CFA francs being the purchasing cost of the file
Each tender drafted in English or French in 07 (seven) copies including 01 original and 06 copies contract as such, should reach at the Secrétariat of the Adamawa Régional Délégation of Public Contracts, located in Tongo Galdima area. Troua Malla crossroad road of the railwav station, TEL: 222 25 11 79 not later than 05 December 2016 at 09 noon local time and should carry the inscription.
To be opened only at the bid opening session".
NB The offer should be accompanied by a CD containing the numeric version under Excel format of the quantitative and approximate détail setting
The deadline for the exécution provided by the Contracting Authority for the realization of works is fixed at five (05) months.
Under risk of being rejected, each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a first rate-bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuhng on the list
in document 12 of the Tender 156 750 (hundred fifty six thousand seven hundred fifty) FCFA and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original date of the validity of the offers.
Subject to being rejected, the administrative documents required must be produced in originals or true copies certified by the issuing service or an administrative authohty (Senior Divisional Officer,
Divisional Officer...) in accordance with the Spécial Conditions ofthe invitation to tender.
These documents must not be older than three (3) months preceding the original date of submission of bids or must not have been established after the signing of the tender notice.
In accordance with the prescriptions of this notice and tender file, any incomplète offer in shall be declared inadmissible. This applies especially to the absence of a bid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance.
The bids shall be opened in two phases. The administrative file and the technical offer shall be opened first followed by the opening of the financial offers of bidders who obtained the minimum
required technical score.
The opening of the administrative documents and the technical shall take place on 05 December 2016 at 9 o'clock by the Regional Tenders Board attached to the Adamawa Régional Delegate of Public Contracts in the Conference Room of the Adamawa Régional Délégation of Public Contracts, located in Tongo Galdima area, Troua Malla crossroad,road to the railway station Tel: 222 25 11 79, E-mail: minmaDadamaoua@vahoo.fr. Only bidders can attend or be duly represented by a person of their choice.
The opening financial offers shall take place at the end of technical évaluation and shall concern only bidders who must have obtained the minimum score 70 of points
Criteria for élimination or qualification of offers are as follows:
14-2 Essential criteria
14.2.1 Technical offer
TOTAL 100 points
14.2.2 Financial offer
The Financial offer of the consultant will be selected after prequalification of Technical offer by the method of sélection to the examination ofthe conformity of administrative documents in accordance with procédure described in this DAO (1er stage) and the lowest technical offer (2end stage) will be graded according to the formula below.
In which expression:
NM : Means the bidder's financial rating;
MMd: means the amount of the lowest évaluation;
MS: means the amount estimated by the bidder
Total score;
The total score of each tenderer is obtained by this formula
N= [(60 x technical not) + (40 x financial note)]/100
[The évaluation criteria are of two types: the eliminatory criteria and the essential criteria]. The aim of these criteria is to identify and reject incomplète offers or offers not in compliance with the essential conditions laid down in the Tender File relating especlally to admissibility of administrative documents, the conformity of the technical offer to the Terms of reference of the Tender File and the qualification of candidates].
Contracting Authority will assign the letter orders to the Tenderer whose offer will have been valued the best - saying, that is to say the one having gotten the most elevated global note and judged substantialiy compilant to the File of call of offers.
The bidder is bound by his bid for a poriod of ninety (90) days with effect from the deadllne fixed for the submission of the bids.
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from the Adamawa Régional Délégation of Public Contracts in Ngaoundéré situated in the district Tongo Galdima,crossroads Pierced Malla, road of the railway station Tel.: 222 25 11 79 / 222 25 13 39, fax: 222 25 11 42 E-mail: minmapadamaoua@vahoo.fr. or the Adamawa FEICOM.