On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Cameroon, the Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts, Contracting„ Authorlty, hereby issues a National Opened Invitation toTender in Emergency Procedure for the execution of maintenance works on earth roads in the town of TCHATIBALI.
27 777 700 FCFA
Participation in this tender Invitation is open to public works companies based in Cameroon.
The works which form the subject ofthis invitation to tender shall be financed by the public investment budget of the Ministry of Public Works, 2016, destined for the council of TCHATIBALI
The tender documents may be consulted during working hours at the DIvisional Delegation of Mayo-Danay in YAGOUA.
The document shall be obtained from the place of its consultation, against presentation of a receipt testifying to the payment of a non-refundable sum of fifty thousand (CFA50 000 F) francs payable to the Public Treasury.
Each tender, drafted in English or French in six (06) copies, that is, one (01) original and five (05) copies labelled as such, should be forwarded tot he Department of General Administration of the MInistry of Urban development and Housing (Contracts award Service) not later than the 30/11/2016 at 13 a.m., local time. Tenders shall be deposited against a receipt and shall be labelled as follows
"To be opened only during the evaluation session*
The maximum deadline for the execution of each lot provided for by the Contracting Authority shall be five (05) months.
Each bidder shall enclose in his administrative documents, a bidbond (provisional guarantee) issued by a first-rate, bank approved by the Ministry in charge of Finance featuring on the list in document 10 of the tender file and valid for thirty (30)days beyond the validity of the tenders. The amount per lot shall be as follows 1 388 885 Fcfa.
Subject to rejection, only originals ortrue copies certified by the issuing services of the required administrative documents including the bid bond must imperatively be produced in accordance with the Special Tender Regulations. They must obligatorily not be otder than three (03) months ormust be produced after thesigning of the tenderfile. Any tender not in conformity with the prescriptions of this notice and tender document shall be declared inadmissible. Especially the absence of abid bond issued by a first-rate bank approved by the Ministry in charge, of Finance orthe non-respect of the models of the tender documents shall lead to a pure and simple rejection of the offer without any appeal being entertained.
The tenders shall be opened on 30/11/2016 as from 14 a.m., local time, by the Tenders' Board of the DIvisional Delegation ofPublic Contracts ofMayo-Danayto Yagoua. Only bidders or their duly authorised and well informed representatives shall attend this session.
Eliminatory criteria
False declaration or forged documents;
Non-compliance of bidwiththe specifications of Tender Document;
Omissions inthe price slipof a quantified unit price;
Non-execution during at least one the last five(05)years of a similar project;
The foreman is not at least a TSGC;
Non-possession of a gritting truck;
Not fulfillingof 70% of the main criteria (39/55).
Main qualification criteria
References 7 criteria
Managerial staff 20 criteria
Equipment 16 criteria
Technical proposition 12 criteria
Détails of these main qualification criteria are specified in the assessment grid contained in the Spécial Tender Regulations.
The contract shall beawarded to the best bidder, that is, the one scoring the highest overall points
Additional technical information may be obtained from the Mayo-Danay Divisional Délégation of Public Contracts, Mayo-Danay Divisional Delegation of Public Works and the Mayor for the Council of TCHATIBALI