The Senior Divisional officer Mezam within the framework of 2020 PIB; CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, initiates on behalf of the Republic of Cameroon, an C^en National Invitation to tender for the construction of a block of two classrooms at Government
TECHNICAL COLLEGE (G.T.C) MUWAH in the Mezam Division, North West Region
These works comprise the following descriptions:
Installation of project information board
Studies (Execution planning, report ofexecution etc)
Clearing of vegetable soil
Implantation of the building
Mass excavation
Digging offoundation trenches and footings
Backfilling with selected laterite soil
Blinding concrete dosed at 150 kg/m3
Foundation in frog filled blocks
R.C for footings and ground beams
Concrete floor (12 cm thick dosed at 350 kg/m3)
Blocks of 15X20X40 for wall elevation
Rendering with cement mortar dosed at 350 kg/m3
R.C for pillars, lintels, and beams dosed at 350 kg/m3
403 Wall blackboard (500x120) cm with cement paste finish indudmg painting
404 Floor finish in cement screed of 3cm and cement paste
407 Blackboard stages
500 ROOF
501 Truss (complete in hard wood treated, king post =175 cm)
502 Purlins
503 Noggings
504 Ceiling in 4mm thick (red plywood on both sides)
505 Ceiling at the eaves with smooth zinc (tole lisse)
506 Aluminium roofing sheets (tolebac 4/10 mm)
507 Fascia board sheet (tole bac 3.5/10 mm of 30 cm height) including lining
508 Angle sheets of 50 cm large
509 Alu ridge cap , ,
510 Ventilation of roof (pre-fabricated) at the eaves with wire merge
601 Metal door of 90x210 (With PACO and two pad locks) complete
Aluminium glazed door on aluminium frames fitted with asolid lock 90x210 (5mm
mal door of 100x210 (with PACO and two pad locks) complete with 02 internal bolts
604 Aluminium glazed windows of (210x90) cm (5mm glass)
605 Aluminium glazed windows of (120x110) cm (Srnm glass)
606 Windows protectors in 30 mm square tubes (210x90) cm
607 Windows protectors in 30 mm square tubes (120x110) cm
30mm angle bar atveranda/dcx)r/ black board stages
700 electrical INSTALLATIONS
701 Conduit pipes
CablesV.G.V 1.5mm2for lighting
Cables TH 2.5 mm2 for power sockets
Flourescent lamps 1,20m (4ft) complete ' _
Fluorescent lamps 2ft complete
706 Switches built-in, two way double gang
707 Switches built-in, one way single gang
708 Power sockets built in
709 Master switch for sockets
71 n Comnlete earthing of the structure (copper cable 3m, earth rod 1metc)
6-ways domestic consumption unit (6-way lines fuse box) +provision to external
800 801 |
Two coats of crystal white glue paint on ceiling |
802 803 |
Priming coat in ordinary paint (National paint) Two coats of water based paint on internal walls (magnolia) Two coats of water resistant paint on external walls (magnolia) |
oil paint on metallic doors, windows protectors (cream white) &skirting (coffee brown,
30 cm from floor level, internally and externally)
901 | Rain water (run-off) gutter 35x40 cm |
Concreting of external veranda
903 Concrete slab on gutter at entrances (1.2m wide)
904 Concrete ramps ( 1.2m wide)
The previewed cost of the entire works of this Open National Invitation to tender is: 22 000 000fcfa {twenty two million) FCFA all taxes included.
Unique lot
Participation in this invitation to tender Is open to all registered and qualified companies or groups of companies based in the Republic of Cameroon.
The Works on This tender are funded by the budget of the Ministry of secondary education (MINESEC), For the 2020 financial year.
The tender file can be consulted in the office of the contracting authority, at the Senior Divisional office Mezam situated at Bamenda.UP STATION.
The tender file can be obtained in the office of the contracting authority, precisely in the office of the Senior Divisional officer Mezam, situated at Bamenda, on presentation of a payment receipt to the public treasury, of a nonrefundable purchase fee for the tender file. 40.000 {Forty thousand francs cfa) Francs CFA.
This receipt should be able identify the buyer as the representative of the bidder, wishing to participate in the consultation.
The bid documents will be presented in three envelopes as illustrated bellow:
The Envelope A containing Administrative documents (volume 1);
The Envelope B containing Technical documents (Volume 2);
The Envelope C containing financial documents (Volume 3).
All constituted documents (Enveloppes A, Band C), will be put In a bigger sealed envelop bearing only the title of the Open national invitation to tende N0 001
The various documents in each bid will be numbered in the order of the tender file and with separators of different colors other that white.
Each bid, prepared in English or in French in (07) seven copies, that is (01) one original and (06) six copies noted as such, shall be forwarded to the contracting authority, notably to the Senior
Divisional officer Mezam office situated at Bamenda, latest the : 22/05/2020 at 10:00 am local time bearing
N° 003/ONIT/NWR/MD/DTB/2020 OF 22/04/2020 '
To be opened only during the bid-opening session ».
The entire period of execution of these Works is 3months_ {three months) calendar months. This duration starts as of the date of notification of the service order to start Works,
The bids should be accompanied by a temporal bid bond (BankTender Guarantee, or a bankcheque certified), established as per the indicated Model in this tender file, by a financial institution accredited by the Ministry of Finance, and of an Amount equal to: 440 000 FCFA
Bids that will be submitted after the date and time mentioned above or those that will not respect the separation model indicated in the different documents in each bid shall not be accepted.
To avoid being rejected, the required Administrative documents, will be imperatively produced in original or in certified true copies by the issuing service, in conformity with the stipulation of the rules and regulations of this tender.
These Administrative documents have a validity period of (03) three months. This validity period
has to begin after the date of the lunching of the tender.
The openning of bids shall take place on the 22/05/2020 at 11:00 am, In the conference
hall of the Divisional tender's Board, at the DD MINMAP Mezam OFFICES.
The opening of bids will be done at once and in three stages:
- Stage 1: Opening of envelope A containing Administrative document (volume 1),
- Stage 2: Opening of envelope B containing Technical document (volume 2)
- Stage 3: Opening of envelope C containing financial document (volume 3).
All the bidders can take part in this opening session or can be represented by one person dully mandated (Even in case of joint-venture) who has a perfect mastery of the tender file.
a) Absence of submission bid bond (tender bank guarantee);
b) Absence after a period of 48 hours following the deposit of bids, of at least one of
the administrative document, excluding that of the submission bid bond;
c) Non-conformity after a period of 48 hours following the deposit of bids, of at one
Administrative document;
d) False declaration, falsified or nonauthentic document;
e) Omission ofa unit price in the schedule of unit prices and the bill ofquantities and
cost estimates;
f) Incomplete financial bid for absence of one of the following documents:
> The tender letter;
> The unit price schedule following the indicated model of prices without value added
taxe in figures and in words, clearly filled. ;
> The bill of quantities and cost estimates (BOQ);
> The unit price breakdown;
g) Not having obtained at least seventy five percent(75®/o) ofthe essential technical
h) Any bid carrying a mark identifying the bidder
16-2 : Essential criteria :
The technical bids will be evaluated according to the following ten (10) main criteria:
a. Key personnel ofthe enterprise on three (03) criteria ;
b. The site equipment to be mobilized on five (05) criteria ;
c. The Enterprise references on two (02) criteria;
d. General presentation of bids
e. Financial capacity;
f. Safety measures at site;
g. Technical organization of works;
h. Logistics;
i. Attestation and report of site visit;
j. Special technical clausses initiated on all pages and last page signed;
k. Special administrative clausses filled and initiated on all pages and last page signed
The contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder, fulfilling the required administrative, technical, and financial criteria
The bidders will be engaged by their bids during a period ofninety (90) days as from the latest date programmed for bids deposit
Additional information in relation to technical details can be obtained at the office of the contracting authority, notably The Senior Divisional officer Mezam office situated at BAMENDA UP STATION