The ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR OF CDENO, (Contracting Authority) within the frame-work of the 2020 CDENO Budget hereby relaunches an open national invitation to tender FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FENCE ROUND CDENO YARD BY EMERGENCY PROCEDURE.
Lot 100; Preparatory works and studies
Lot 200: Earth Works
Lot 300: Foundation
Lot 400: Block work in elevation
Lot 500: Metallic works
Lot 600: Electricity
Lot 700: Painting
LOT 800: Drainage works and pavement
The provisional amount afterstudies stands at fifty two million francs (52,000,000 frs)
The Job shall be executed in a single LOT
Participation in this invitation to tender is opento all registered and qualified enterprises of the Republic of Cameroon, with the necessary financial capability, technical and professional expertise in Public works (construction domain)
This project shall be financed by CDENO budget for 2020, chap 22 04 20
The tender documents are available for consultation at the North West Livestock Development Fund (CDENO), doorno. 01, P.O. Box 399 Bamenda, Tel :233 36 26 15 during working hours
The file may be obtained upon presentation of a receipt showing payment of a non-refundable sum of 62,400 FCFA at the Regional Treasury Bamenda. The original copyof this receipt shall be included in the bidder's documents. On procuring the tender documents (DAO), bidders shall be duly registered with their full addresses indicating: P.O. Box; Fax; and Telephone numbers.
Each bid written in English or French shall be signed by the bidder or by a duly authorized representative and presented in Seven (7) sets (01 original and 06 copies) marked as such. These shall be submitted in one sealed packcontaining three (3) envelopes, that is. A: Administrative Documents, B: Technical file and C: Financial file. The sealed pack shall bear no information on the enterprise,and should reach CDENO main office. Service ofcontracts, door No.01 not later than \ 9 MAY 2020 at 11.00 am and note should be taken that in case of any ambiguities or differences during opening, only the original shall be considered authentic
The sealed pack (outer envelope) shall bear the following inscriptions:
NO 007/ONIT/CDENO/CITB/2020 OF 30/04/2020 FOR THF
(To be opened only during bids opening session)
The deadline for the completion of the works shall be five (05) months, with effect from date of notification of the service order bearing information to start works.
Each bidder must include in his administrative documents, a bid bond that respects the model of this tender file, issued by a banking establishment approved by the Ministry in charge of Financeat an amount of 1.040.000 FCFA (One million and forty thousand francs). Bid bonds for unsuccessful bidders shall be withdrawn not later than fifteen (15) days after the award of the contract and those of successful bidders shall be retained until the required performance guarantee for good execution is provided. The validity period for the Bid Bond shall be 30 days
At the risk of being rejected, all documents shall be originals or certified true copies by the authorized issuing service or administrative authorities (Senior Divisional Officers, Divisional Officers) presented in accordance with the Special Regulations of this invitation to tender. None of these should be more than three (3) months old as from the date of submission of offers, without double certillcation and not falsified. These shall be separated by coloured separators from each other. Any bid that shall not be in conformity with the prescriptions ofthis notice and tender file shall be declared inadmissible.
NB: The successful bidder shall during site installation present the originals of the respective documents for strict verification of their authenticity.
The offers shall be mened at the CDENO Internal Tenders Board in a single phase on the 19 MAY 2020 at 12:00pm local time in the conference hall ofCDENO in the presence of bidders or their representatives who have full knowledge about the bids submitted. ONLY BIDDERS or their duly authorised representatives with a sound knowledge of their bids shall attend the bid opening session. Any bid that shall not comply with the requirements of the tender file shall be rejected.
Tender conformity shall be evaluated as per the following
A) Elliminatory Criteria.
• Failure to produce or replace an element of the administrative file within forty eight hours in the
case of absence or non-conformity of this document;
• Deadline for delivery higher than prescribed
• False declaration or falsified documents
• Absence or insufficient bid bond
• A bid with an external envelope carrying a sign or mark leading to the identification ofthe bidder
• Incomplete financial file
• Change of quantity or unit
• Non respect of 75% of essential criteria
B) Essential Criteria.
The preliminary evaluation shall be binary and based on the following essential criteria:
General presentation of the bids
Experience of the enterprise.
Quality of personnel and management of the company
Attestation and report of site visit
Technical equipment
Special Technical clauses initialed in all the pages and the last page signed stamp and dated
Special Administrative Clause completed and initialed in all the pages and the last page
signed, stamped and dated.
Methodology for the execution of works
Financial capacity and other financial bearings
The contract shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid is in conformity with the dispositions of the tender file and on the basis ofthe lowest realistic bid and technical quality, (see article 33 of the public contracts code.
Bidders will remain committed to their bids which shall be valid for a period of ninety (90) days with effect from the deadline for the submission
Complementary technical information may be obtained during working hours from the service for contracts at CDENO main office, BP 399 Bda, Tel: 233 36 26